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<p>I recently opened a issue regarding SIP headers handling in
inbound messages
(<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-28755">https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-28755</a>).</p>
<p>Besides that problem, I think there are inconsistencies in the
data format provided by ARI for sending or receiving text
messages, and also in the documentation. Actually there are 3
different data formats for message variables:<br>
<p>1- to send a message, additional variables may be provided in a
"variables" field. Its value must be a JSON object whose keys are
the variable names, and values are the variable values, i.e:</p>
"variables": { </tt><tt><tt>"My-Custom-Header": "the_value", </tt></tt><tt><tt>"Another-header":
"another_value"</tt> }<br>
<p>2- when a message is received, a TextMessageReceived is emitted,
which contains a TextMessage which then contains a "variable"
field. This field is a list of JSON objects, each one containing a
single key (the variable name) with its value :</p>
"variables": [{ "My-Custom-Header": "the_value" }, {
"Another-header": "another_value" }]</tt><br>
<p>(This is what I saw after quick-fixing the issue stated above)</p>
<p>3- the behaviour described in (2) is not consistent with the ARI
documentation, which states:</p>
<p>TextMessageVariable: A key/value pair variable in a text message.<br>
   key: string - A unique key identifying the variable.<br>
   value: string - The value of the variable.<br>
<p>So I would expect the variable field to look like the following:</p>
"variables": [{ "key": "My-Custom-Header", "value": "the_value"
}, { "key": "Another-header", "value": "another_value" }]</tt></p>
<p>I personally think formats (1) and (3) both make sense, but I
find format (2) not very practical to use. Any thoughts on the
subject ?</p>
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Ingénieur R&D<br>
R&D engineer</span></font><font
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