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Hi,<br> <br>I'm having an issue with the PAGE feature in Asterisk 13.7.0, when connecting a PAGE it says 'there is only one other participant in the conference'. <br> <br>This shouldn't be happening, I know that PAGE used ConfBridge however it should only use this to bridge the call.<br> <br>The options I am using are as follows:<br> <br></div><div class="readMsgBody"><div class="ExternalClass MsgBodyContainer" id="bodyreadMessagePartBodyControl3293f"><div dir="ltr"><blockquote dir="ltr">Page(<channel>,ni)<br></blockquote> <br>The options should suppress any messages however this is not the case. Is this currently a bug with the PAGE feature?<br> <br>Thanks,<br> <br>Ross </div></div></div></div> </div></body>