<div dir="ltr">hello,<br>
I am trying to lanch asterisk in opnerisc 1200 processor in his simulator<br>
- Cross-compile && install glibc [*]<br>
- Cross-compile && install zlib [*]<br>
- Cross-compile && install ncurses 5.9 [*]<br>
- Cross-compile && install openssl [*]<br>
- Cross-compile && install asterisk [*]<br>
- Configure linux + asterisk on it [*]<br>
- Running asterisk [X]<br>
when I tried to run asterisk as "asterik -cvvv" or with c option only I get a<br>
"Segmentation faul" error<br>
with c and g option "Segmentation faul (core dump)" error.<br>
I don't get it?</div>