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<blockquote style="margin-left: 1em; border-left: 2px solid #d0d0d0; padding-left: 10px;">
<p style="margin-top: 0;">On August 2nd, 2011, 1:04 p.m., <b>David Vossel</b> wrote:</p>
<blockquote style="margin-left: 1em; border-left: 2px solid #d0d0d0; padding-left: 10px;">
<table width="100%" border="0" bgcolor="white" style="border: 1px solid #C0C0C0; border-collapse: collapse; margin: 2px padding: 2px;">
<th colspan="4" bgcolor="#F0F0F0" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #C0C0C0; font-size: 9pt; padding: 4px 8px; text-align: left;">
<a href="https://reviewboard.asterisk.org/r/1338/diff/1/?file=17693#file17693line276" style="color: black; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline;">trunk/main/logger.c</a>
<span style="font-weight: normal;">
(Diff revision 1)
<tbody style="background-color: #e4d9cb; padding: 4px 8px; text-align: center;">
<td colspan="4"><pre style="font-size: 8pt; line-height: 140%; margin: 0; ">static struct logchannel *make_logchannel(const char *channel, const char *components, int lineno)</pre></td>
<th bgcolor="#f0f0f0" style="border-right: 1px solid #C0C0C0;" align="right"><font size="2">276</font></th>
<td bgcolor="#ffffff" width="50%"><pre style="font-size: 8pt; line-height: 140%; margin: 0; "> <span class="cm">/* Can't log here, since we're called with a lock */</span></pre></td>
<th bgcolor="#f0f0f0" style="border-left: 1px solid #C0C0C0; border-right: 1px solid #C0C0C0;" align="right"><font size="2">276</font></th>
<td bgcolor="#ffffff" width="50%"><pre style="font-size: 8pt; line-height: 140%; margin: 0; "> <span class="cm">/* Can't log here, since we're called with a lock */</span></pre></td>
<th bgcolor="#e9eaa8" style="border-right: 1px solid #C0C0C0;" align="right"><font size="2">277</font></th>
<td bgcolor="#fdfebc" width="50%"><pre style="font-size: 8pt; line-height: 140%; margin: 0; "> <span class="n">fprintf</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">stderr</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="s">"Logger Warning: Unable to open log file '%s': %s</span><span class="se">\n</span><span class="s">"</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">chan</span><span class="o">-></span><span class="n">filename</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">strerror</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">errno</span><span class="p">));</span></pre></td>
<th bgcolor="#e9eaa8" style="border-left: 1px solid #C0C0C0; border-right: 1px solid #C0C0C0;" align="right"><font size="2">277</font></th>
<td bgcolor="#fdfebc" width="50%"><pre style="font-size: 8pt; line-height: 140%; margin: 0; "> <span class="n">ast_free</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">chan</span><span class="p">);</span></pre></td>
<th bgcolor="#b1ebb0" style="border-right: 1px solid #C0C0C0;" align="right"><font size="2"></font></th>
<td bgcolor="#c5ffc4" width="50%"><pre style="font-size: 8pt; line-height: 140%; margin: 0; "></pre></td>
<th bgcolor="#b1ebb0" style="border-left: 1px solid #C0C0C0; border-right: 1px solid #C0C0C0;" align="right"><font size="2">278</font></th>
<td bgcolor="#c5ffc4" width="50%"><pre style="font-size: 8pt; line-height: 140%; margin: 0; "> <span class="k">return</span> <span class="nb">NULL</span><span class="p">;</span></pre></td>
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap; white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; white-space: -pre-wrap; white-space: -o-pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word;">Why not use the ast_console_puts_mutable() function here to log this error as well?</pre>
<p>On August 2nd, 2011, 1:22 p.m., <b>opticron</b> wrote:</p>
<blockquote style="margin-left: 1em; border-left: 2px solid #d0d0d0; padding-left: 10px;">
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap; white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; white-space: -pre-wrap; white-space: -o-pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word;">This case is caught by the added logging now that the failed logging channel is freed and null is returned. This also allows that error message to handle other logging failures that were not previously reported.</pre>
<pre style="margin-left: 1em; white-space: pre-wrap; white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; white-space: -pre-wrap; white-space: -o-pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word;">Keep the catch all statement, I was just saying it might be good to have this one in addition to the catch all since it gives more detailed information pertaining to the failure.</pre>
<br />
<p>- David</p>
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<p>On August 8th, 2011, 4:10 p.m., opticron wrote:</p>
<table bgcolor="#fefadf" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="8" style="background-image: url('https://reviewboard.asterisk.org/media/rb/images/review_request_box_top_bg.png'); background-position: left top; background-repeat: repeat-x; border: 1px black solid;">
<div>Review request for Asterisk Developers.</div>
<div>By opticron.</div>
<p style="color: grey;"><i>Updated Aug. 8, 2011, 4:10 p.m.</i></p>
<h1 style="color: #575012; font-size: 10pt; margin-top: 1.5em;">Description </h1>
<table width="100%" bgcolor="#ffffff" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10" style="border: 1px solid #b8b5a0">
<pre style="margin: 0; padding: 0; white-space: pre-wrap; white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; white-space: -pre-wrap; white-space: -o-pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word;">Currently, logger only prints an error message to stderr when it fails to open a logger channel where many users will not see it because the logger lock is held. The alternative provided by this patch is to log the error to all attached consoles in the hopes that it will be easier to see. Additionally, this patch prevents the failed logger channel from being added to the list where it would silently fail on each call to the Asterisk logger.</pre>
<h1 style="color: #575012; font-size: 10pt; margin-top: 1.5em;">Testing </h1>
<table width="100%" bgcolor="#ffffff" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10" style="border: 1px solid #b8b5a0">
<pre style="margin: 0; padding: 0; white-space: pre-wrap; white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; white-space: -pre-wrap; white-space: -o-pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word;">Verified that the stderr log was the only thing printed for failed logger channels. Verified that the patch provides warning to indirect consoles (not using the -c option).</pre>
<div style="margin-top: 1.5em;">
<b style="color: #575012; font-size: 10pt; margin-top: 1.5em;">Bugs: </b>
<a href="https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-16231">ASTERISK-16231</a>
<h1 style="color: #575012; font-size: 10pt; margin-top: 1.5em;">Diffs</b> </h1>
<ul style="margin-left: 3em; padding-left: 0;">
<li>trunk/main/logger.c <span style="color: grey">(331040)</span></li>
<p><a href="https://reviewboard.asterisk.org/r/1338/diff/" style="margin-left: 3em;">View Diff</a></p>