.hmmessage P
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Hi all, I am having a problem and i hope someone can help.<br><br>Here you can find a visual of my setup :<br><br>http://img713.imageshack.us/f/gliffy2.png/<br><br>and here is the testapp code I am calling from the HUMAN context:<br><br>http://pastebin.ca/1973563<br><br>As you can see, the testapp contains this line :<br><br>res = ast_waitfor<span class="br0">(</span>chan, <span class="nu0">5000</span><span class="br0">)</span>;<br><br>and the dial plan on server 2 contains a wait(). <br><br>Now if the parameter of wait is 1 (or anything below 5 sec), ast_waitfor returns successfully, and thus go into the else block.<br>But if the parameter is 12 (or anything above 5+1 ) , ast_waitfor returns a negative number, and thus go into the if block!<br><br>This problem only occurs if AMD is used...<br><br>Can anyone shed any light on what might be going wrong ?<br><br>Thx.<br><br><br><br><br><br>                                            </body>