--- chan_dahdi.c (revision 192353)<br>+++ chan_dahdi.c (working copy)<br>@@ -16403,7 +16403,9 @@<br> confp->chan.sig = SIG_BRI_PTMP;<br> confp->pri.nodetype = PRI_CPE;<br>
} else if (!strcasecmp(v->value, "bri_net_ptmp")) {<br>- ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "How cool would it be if someone implemented this mode! For now, sucks for you. (line %d)\n", v->lineno);<br>
+ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "bri_net_ptmp!!! Let's see what happen... (line %d)\n", v->lineno);<br>+ confp->chan.sig = SIG_BRI_PTMP;<br>+ confp->pri.nodetype = PRI_NETWORK;<br>
} else if (!strcasecmp(v->value, "gr303fxoks_net")) {<br> confp->chan.sig = SIG_GR303FXOKS;<br> confp->pri.nodetype = PRI_NETWORK;<br><br>Ok, this is a naive test i made, but very very limited a bit is allready working. You can call from one connected ISDN device (i used a ISDN/analog adapter DeTeWe TA33)<br>
into chan_dadhi. That's all, nothing more. You can't call from chan_dadi to the ISDN device or connect multiple isdn devices.<br><br>Also chan_dadi jumps directly to the s-Extension when you lift up the phone. And dont give you dial tone or wait for digits. But i was pleasantly surprised that NT-ptmp<br>
is working anyway.<br><br>My first goal i want to achieve, is to make calls from chan_dahdi to the isdn device. The feature to connect multiple isdn devices i less important at the first stage,<br>because in real world setups you mostly need the NT over PtMP only to connect one device, like a ISDN/analog adapter to link one or two analog fax machines, or to link an existing small <br>
PBX that has door opener features or so. The case that users really need to link multiple isdn device to one isdn port is rare.<br><br>Let's start to work on this, to finally ditch bristuff and chan_misdn <br><br>For that i opened: <a href="http://bugs.digium.com/view.php?id=15048">http://bugs.digium.com/view.php?id=15048</a><br>