Hello All,<br>We are using Asterisk to inter-work with our SIP clients....<br><br>We are sending some extended headers within the SIP clients...and it seems that we may need to do some changes..to support this in asterisk...
<br>Is that true ? Or does Asterisk have a feature, wherein it can simply pass on any extended headers, which asterisk does not understand ? <br><br>So, while making the changes..it worked fine for the requests...(storing the headers in the ast_channel, and then copying them ast_channel_inherit_variables), seem to work out fine.
<br>However, while sending the headers in the response..it is looking more difficult...<br>For e.g. when sending them in 486-Busy...we can trace the invoke from pbx_builtin_busy...<br>but not sure, how to link that ast_channel of the outgoing 486 with the ast_channel of the incoming 486...to copy the headers..
<br><br>Any help on this, would be very useful.<br>thanks in advance<br>Samir<br><br><br><br><br>