<span class="postbody">I have configured telasip DID with following entried in
sip_custom.conf <br><br>[telasip] <br>username=xxxx (fake) <br>type=peer
<br>secret=xxxxx <br>quality=yes <br>nat=yes <br>insecure=very <br>fromuser=xxxx
<br>host=<a href="http://gw4.telasip.com">gw4.telasip.com</a> <br>#disallow=all <br>#allow=ulaw <br>#allow=alaw
<br>fromdomain=<a href="http://gw4.telasip.com">gw4.telasip.com</a> <br>context=from-telasip <br><br>and Register
string in sip.conf under general and extensions.conf has following entries
<br><br>[from-telasip] <br>exten => 1134817097,1,Answer <br>exten =>
1134817097,2,Wait(1) <br>exten => 1134817097,3,Background(pls-hold-while-try)
<br>exten => 1134817097,4,NoOp(Incoming call for Suzie on TelaSIP
#8431234567) <br>exten => 1134817097,5,Dial(SIP/71469,20,m) <br>exten =>
1134817097,6,VoiceMail(71469@default) <br>exten => 1134817097,7,Hangup
<br><br>The problem is I can receive one incoming call to this DID successfully.
Then I tried to call this DID, it say it is not avaiable. SO in Asterisk CLI I
type reload to reload Asterisk. Then incoming call works again, then next one is
not, then reload, it works, so and so. What could be the problem? Please