Can anybody tell me the application of ChanSpy? <BR>
Below written is my extensions.conf.<BR>
exten => 1000,1,Dial(SIP/1000)<BR>
exten => 1000,2,Hangup<BR>
exten => 1001,1,Dial(SIP/1001)<BR>
exten => 1001,2,Hangup<BR>
exten => 1004,1,Dial(SIP/1004)<BR>
exten => 1004,2,Hangup<BR>
exten => 1003,1,ChanSpy(scan/1000,80)<BR>
exten => 1003,2,Hangup<BR>
I want to spy the particular channel 1000/1001.The call is establishing between 1000 & 1004,but when i dial from 1001 to 1003..its blank air..but i can hear the 'beep' sound.No Voice.I am using asterisk-1.0.9.<BR>
Please,get back me as early as possible....<BR>
SPEED IS LIFE......<br><br>
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