<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="" lang="EN-US">I couldn't
resolve this on the users group:<br>
<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="" lang="EN-US">My client
has two Bell lines, each with 3 way calling enabled.<span style=""> </span>B4 Asterisk, he was able to use this configuration to establish a
5-way call – him and 2 callers on each line.<span style="">
</span>He wants to maintain this conferencing ability ON BELL lines w/
Asterisk, but I'm finding it quite difficult.<br>
<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="" lang="EN-US">I have
threewaycalling=yes on the FXS lines (ZAP/1 & ZAP/2).<span style=""> </span>The Bell lines are on ZAP/3 &
<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="" lang="EN-US">Assume Zap/1-1
represents the original call, and it's bridged with Zap/3. F</span><span style="" lang="EN-US">ollowing the Flash press, </span><span style="" lang="EN-US">Asterisk finds that
Zap/3 is busy when it processes the dial plan for Zap/1-2 .<span style=""> </span>As a result, it bridges it onto Zap/4.<span style=""> </span>The three-way call works, but both FXO lines
are used up and I can't add any more callers.<br>
<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="" lang="EN-US">The problem
of course, is that when Flash is pressed, it's processed by Asterisk and it's
not sent to the Bell CO.<span style=""> </span>I tried
updating the dial plan to trap the second instance of an FXS line when Flash is
pressed.<span style=""> </span>My intention was to use the
Flash command to send the Flash to the Bell CO, but Asterisk complains that it's
not an FXO channel, which it's not!<br>
<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="" lang="EN-US">B4 I do any
more work on this, perhaps it's simply impossible.<span style=""> </span>Any thoughts?<br>
<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="" lang="EN-US">Thanks,</span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="" lang="EN-US">Hugh</span></p>