Index: Makefile
RCS file: /usr/cvsroot/asterisk/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.170
diff -u -r1.170 Makefile
--- Makefile 23 Jun 2005 17:32:36 -0000 1.170
+++ Makefile 27 Jun 2005 11:53:18 -0000
@@ -117,6 +117,8 @@
# Optional debugging parameters
Index: rtp.c
RCS file: /usr/cvsroot/asterisk/rtp.c,v
retrieving revision 1.136
diff -u -r1.136 rtp.c
--- rtp.c 18 Jun 2005 17:13:01 -0000 1.136
+++ rtp.c 27 Jun 2005 11:53:20 -0000
@@ -67,6 +67,67 @@
#define FLAG_3389_WARNING (1 << 0)
+/* Slav - some static jitterbuffer stuff */
+#ifdef USE_JB
+#include "jitterbuf.h"
+#ifdef USE_JB
+/* Macros for JB logs */
+/*#define jb_verbose(...) ast_verbose(VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 " ***[RTP JB LOG]*** " __VA_ARGS__)*/
+#define jb_verbose(...) if(1){\
+ char tmp[192];\
+ char msg[128];\
+ snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "***[RTP JB LOG]*** " __VA_ARGS__);\
+ ast_verbose("%s\n", term_color(tmp, msg, COLOR_BRGREEN, 0, sizeof(tmp)));}
+/* Macros for the frame log files */
+#define jb_framelog(...) if(rtp->jb_logfile) {fprintf(rtp->jb_logfile, __VA_ARGS__); fflush(rtp->jb_logfile);}
+/* Macros for getting string representation of the jb type */
+static const char *jb_types[] = {"JB_TYPE_CONTROL", "JB_TYPE_VOICE", "JB_TYPE_VIDEO", "JB_TYPE_SILENCE"};
+#define jb_type(type) ((type >= 0 && type <= 3) ? jb_types[type] : "UNKNOWN")
+/* Counter for the frame log files */
+static int rtp_framelog_counter = 0;
+/* Scheduler context for the jitterbuffer */
+static struct sched_context *jb_sched;
+/* Scheduler thread */
+static pthread_t jb_sched_thread;
+/* Mutex for the scheduler queue synchronization */
+/* Conditional variable for the scheduler queue synchronization */
+static pthread_cond_t jb_sched_flag = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
+/* Linked list queue from rtps to be destroyed */
+static struct ast_rtp *rtp_free_head = NULL;
+static struct ast_rtp *rtp_free_tail = NULL;
+/* JB function prototypes */
+static void rtp_free_enqueue(struct ast_rtp *rtp);
+static struct ast_rtp * rtp_free_dequeue(void);
+static void rtp_free_destroy_all(void);
+static void * jb_scheduler_thread(void *data);
+static struct ast_frame *ast_rtp_read_real(struct ast_rtp *rtp);
+static int put_in_jb(struct ast_rtp *rtp, struct ast_frame *f);
+static int get_from_jb(void *data);
+static void rtp_jb_clear(struct ast_rtp *rtp);
+static void rtp_jb_destroy(struct ast_rtp *rtp);
+static int calc_rxstamp_jb(struct ast_rtp *rtp);
+static int get_samples(struct ast_frame *f);
+static void jb_get_timespec(struct timespec *ts, int millisec_offset);
+static int rtpread(int *id, int fd, short events, void *cbdata);
+/* End Slav */
struct ast_rtp {
int s;
char resp;
@@ -104,6 +165,31 @@
int rtp_lookup_code_cache_result;
int rtp_offered_from_local;
struct ast_rtcp *rtcp;
+ /* Slav - jitterbuffer related members */
+#ifdef USE_JB
+ /* The jitterbuffer itself */
+ jitterbuf *jb;
+ /* Scheduler id */
+ int jbid;
+ /* Timestamp of the last frame received. Used to detect big jumps in the timestamps */
+ unsigned int prev_timestamp;
+ /* Mutex for synchronization of the jb_put() - jb_get() operations and for destroy safety also */
+ ast_mutex_t jblock;
+ /* Indicates that this rtp has passed ast_rtp_destroy() */
+ int destroyed;
+ /* The pvt helper */
+ struct ast_rtp_pvt_helper pvt_helper;
+ /* Points to next rtp in the free linked list */
+ struct ast_rtp *next;
+ /* is the channel up? */
+ int isup;
+ /* File for frame timestamp tracing */
+ FILE *jb_logfile;
+ /* Pathname of the log file */
+ char jb_logfile_pathname[PATH_MAX];
+ /* End Slav */
struct ast_rtcp {
@@ -303,6 +389,656 @@
return f;
+/* Slav - ******************************************************
+ ******************** Utility functions **********************
+ *************************************************************/
+/* Slav - got this from the ast_rtp_read() func - its very possible we don't need this function,
+ because from ast_rtp_read() is seems that the number of samples is already set to the frame */
+#ifdef USE_JB
+static int get_samples(struct ast_frame *f)
+ int samples=0;
+ switch(f->subclass)
+ {
+ samples = f->datalen;
+ break;
+ samples = f->datalen / 2;
+ break;
+ samples = 160 * (f->datalen / 33);
+ break;
+ samples = 240 * (f->datalen / 50);
+ break;
+ case AST_FORMAT_G726:
+ samples = f->datalen * 2;
+ break;
+ case AST_FORMAT_G729A:
+ samples = f->datalen * 8;
+ break;
+#if 0
+ case AST_FORMAT_G723_1:
+ samples = g723_samples(f->data, f->datalen);
+ break;
+ /* assumes that the RTP packet contained one Speex frame */
+ samples = 160;
+ break;
+ case AST_FORMAT_LPC10:
+ samples = 22 * 8;
+ samples += (((char *)(f->data))[7] & 0x1) * 8;
+ break;
+ default:
+ ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Unable to calculate samples for format %s\n", ast_getformatname(f->subclass));
+ return samples;
+ }
+ // TODO: Test if this doesn't brokes something.
+ f->samples = samples;
+ return samples;
+/* End Slav */
+/* Slav - calculates the time now [ms] in receivers time, e.g. counted from the time of the first frame
+ received (actually from the "zero" of the received frames time, which can be less than the time of
+ the first frame received). */
+#ifdef USE_JB
+static int calc_rxstamp_jb(struct ast_rtp *rtp)
+ /* TODO: Should be rewritten to reuse the functionality of the already present
+ calc_rxstamp(struct timeval *tv, struct ast_rtp *rtp, unsigned int timestamp, int mark)
+ function, instead of duplicating it. */
+ struct timeval tv;
+ unsigned int timestamp = rtp->lastrxts;
+ if(!rtp->rxcore.tv_sec && !rtp->rxcore.tv_usec)
+ {
+ /* RTP rxcore invalid - fix it anyway */
+ gettimeofday(&rtp->rxcore, NULL);
+ rtp->rxcore.tv_sec -= timestamp / 8000;
+ rtp->rxcore.tv_usec -= (timestamp % 8000) * 125;
+ /* Round to 20ms for nice, pretty timestamps */
+ rtp->rxcore.tv_usec -= rtp->rxcore.tv_usec % 20000;
+ if(rtp->rxcore.tv_usec < 0)
+ {
+ /* Adjust appropriately if necessary */
+ rtp->rxcore.tv_usec += 1000000;
+ rtp->rxcore.tv_sec -= 1;
+ }
+ jb_framelog("JB_PUT[%x] Recalc rxcore=%ld\n",
+ rtp, (rtp->rxcore.tv_sec * 1000 + rtp->rxcore.tv_usec / 1000));
+ }
+ gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
+ return (tv.tv_sec - rtp->rxcore.tv_sec) * 1000 + (1000000 + tv.tv_usec - rtp->rxcore.tv_usec) / 1000 - 1000;
+/* End Slav */
+/* Slav - utility function - fills in the members of a timespec struct with the time now + millisec_offset
+ millisec_offset must be between 0 and 1000 */
+#ifdef USE_JB
+static void jb_get_timespec(struct timespec *ts, int millisec_offset)
+ struct timeval tv;
+ gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
+ ts->tv_sec = tv.tv_sec;
+ ts->tv_nsec = tv.tv_usec * 1000 + millisec_offset * 1000000;
+ if(ts->tv_nsec >= 1000000000)
+ {
+ ts->tv_sec += 1;
+ ts->tv_nsec -= 1000000000;
+ }
+/* End Slav */
+/* Slav - check for rtps needing to be destroyed */
+#ifdef USE_JB
+static void rtp_free_enqueue(struct ast_rtp *rtp)
+ rtp->next = NULL;
+ if(rtp_free_tail == NULL)
+ {
+ rtp_free_tail = rtp_free_head = rtp;
+ return;
+ }
+ rtp_free_tail->next = rtp;
+ rtp_free_tail = rtp;
+static struct ast_rtp * rtp_free_dequeue(void)
+ struct ast_rtp *rtp = rtp_free_head;
+ if(rtp_free_head != NULL)
+ {
+ rtp_free_head = rtp_free_head->next;
+ if(rtp_free_head == NULL)
+ {
+ rtp_free_tail = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ return rtp;
+/* End Slav */
+/* End Slav - **************************************************
+ ****************** End Utility functions ********************
+ *************************************************************/
+/* Slav - ******************************************************
+ ***************** Jitterbuf main functions ******************
+ *************************************************************/
+/* Slav - puts a frame into the jitterbuf */
+#ifdef USE_JB
+static int put_in_jb(struct ast_rtp *rtp, struct ast_frame *f)
+ long ts;
+ unsigned long ts_test;
+ long now;
+ int type;
+ int len;
+ struct ast_frame *frame;
+ /* if the call is not yet answered, don't put the frame into the jb - just let is goes through
+ the regular way. */
+ if(rtp->pvt_helper.get_chan_state(rtp->pvt_helper.pvt) != AST_STATE_UP)
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else if(!rtp->isup)
+ {
+ /* The channel is up for the very first time. */
+ rtp->isup = 1;
+ rtp->rxcore.tv_sec = 0;
+ rtp->rxcore.tv_usec = 0;
+ jb_framelog("JB_PUT[%x] {now=%ld}: The call was answered.\n", rtp, (now = calc_rxstamp_jb(rtp)));
+ rtp->rxcore.tv_sec = 0;
+ rtp->rxcore.tv_usec = 0;
+ }
+ /* Test for unsigned long overflow */
+ if((ts_test = rtp->lastrxts / 8) > (1 << (8*sizeof(long)-1)) - 1)
+ {
+ jb_framelog("JB_PUT[%x] {now=%ld}: Received ts=%lu, which is greater than the max unsigned long number!\n",
+ rtp, (now = calc_rxstamp_jb(rtp)), ts_test);
+ ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Received ts=%lu, which is greater than the max unsigned long number!\n", ts_test);
+ /* assert if in debug */
+ assert(0);
+ /* else just return and do nothing */
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* convert the timestamp of the frame from samples to millisec */
+ ts = rtp->lastrxts / 8;
+ /* try to detect a jump in the timestaps */
+ if(rtp->prev_timestamp != -1)
+ {
+ int diff = (unsigned int) ts - rtp->prev_timestamp;
+ /* We consider the jump for a big, if its greater than 3 * 160 ... */
+ if(diff > 3 * 160 || diff < -3 * 160)
+ {
+ /* Reset rxcore - this will cause calc_rxstamp_jb() to recalc it */
+ rtp->rxcore.tv_sec = 0;
+ rtp->rxcore.tv_usec = 0;
+ // TODO: Reset also the jitterbuffer?
+ }
+ }
+ /* Store the last timestamp */
+ rtp->prev_timestamp = (unsigned int) ts;
+ len = 0; /* Length of the frame (in milleisec) */
+ if(f->frametype == AST_FRAME_VOICE)
+ {
+ type = JB_TYPE_VOICE;
+ len = get_samples(f) / 8;
+ // TODO: Cant we use insted just:?
+ //len = f->samples
+ }
+ else if(f->frametype == AST_FRAME_CNG)
+ {
+ }
+ /* Allocate a new frame */
+ frame = ast_frisolate(f);
+ if(frame == NULL)
+ {
+ ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Cannot isolate frame for the jitterbuffer.\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* lock the jb mutex */
+ ast_mutex_lock(&rtp->jblock);
+ /* The moment now in receivers time (in millisec) */
+ now = calc_rxstamp_jb(rtp);
+ /* Put into the jitterbuffer. If jb_put returns JB_DROP, the frame should be dropped */
+ if(jb_put(rtp->jb, frame, type, len, ts, now) == JB_DROP)
+ {
+ jb_framelog("JB_PUT[%x] {now=%ld}: Dropped %s frame with ts=%lu\n", rtp, now, jb_type(type), ts);
+ /* unlock the jb mutex */
+ ast_mutex_unlock(&rtp->jblock);
+ /* Drop the frame - just do nothing, except of cource, freeing the isolated frame. */
+ ast_frfree(frame);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ jb_framelog("JB_PUT[%x] {now=%ld}: Queued %s frame with ts=%lu\n", rtp, now, jb_type(type), ts);
+ /* unlock the jb mutex */
+ ast_mutex_unlock(&rtp->jblock);
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* End Slav */
+/* Slav - gets a frame from the jitterbuf for time now */
+#ifdef USE_JB
+static int get_from_jb(void *data)
+ struct ast_rtp *rtp = (struct ast_rtp *) data;
+ jb_frame frame;
+ struct ast_frame af;
+ int ret;
+ long now;
+ long next;
+ unsigned int when;
+ unsigned int tmp;
+ struct timeval tv;
+ if(rtp == NULL)
+ {
+ /* this should never happens */
+ ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Received NULL rtp data!\n");
+ /* if in debug - abort asterisk */
+ assert(0);
+ /* else - return 0 to request schedule removal (don't post to the semaphore) */
+ /* TODO: Should we do this? Maybe is better to crash or to return 1... */
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* lock the jb mutex */
+ ast_mutex_lock(&rtp->jblock);
+ /* check for destroy conditon */
+ if(rtp->destroyed)
+ {
+ /* unlock the jb mutex */
+ ast_mutex_unlock(&rtp->jblock);
+ /* return 1 and do nothing - this rtp should be added in the free list, so later,
+ after all schedules are executed, this sched will be safely removed. */
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* is it time for the next frame in the jb? */
+ gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
+ //now = (tv.tv_sec - rtp->rxcore.tv_sec) * 1000 + (tv.tv_usec - rtp->rxcore.tv_usec) / 1000;
+ now = (tv.tv_sec - rtp->rxcore.tv_sec) * 1000 + (1000000 + tv.tv_usec - rtp->rxcore.tv_usec) / 1000 - 1000;
+ if(now >= (next = jb_next(rtp->jb)))
+ {
+ /* get a frame from the jb for time now */
+ /* buggerit! i just hardcode the length to 20ms since i don't use iLBC */
+ ret = jb_get(rtp->jb, &frame, now, 20);
+ /* Proceed with the frame timestamps logging while still holding the jb mutex lock */
+ if(rtp->jb_logfile != NULL && rtp->pvt_helper.get_chan_state(rtp->pvt_helper.pvt) == AST_STATE_UP)
+ {
+ switch(ret)
+ {
+ case JB_OK:
+ jb_framelog("\tJB_GET[%x] {now=%ld}: Delivered %s frame with timestamp %ld\n",
+ rtp, now, jb_type(frame.type), frame.ts);
+ break;
+ case JB_INTERP:
+ jb_framelog("\tJB_GET[%x] {now=%ld}: Interpolated frame\n", rtp, now);
+ break;
+ case JB_DROP:
+ jb_framelog("\tJB_GET[%x] {now=%ld}: Dropped %s frame with timestamp %ld\n",
+ rtp, now, jb_type(frame.type), frame.ts);
+ break;
+ case JB_NOFRAME:
+ jb_framelog("\tJB_GET[%x] {now=%ld}: No frame\n", rtp, now);
+ break;
+ case JB_EMPTY:
+ jb_framelog("\tJB_GET[%x] {now=%ld}: Jb is empty\n", rtp, now);
+ break;
+ default:
+ ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "This should never happens!");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* unlock the jb mutex */
+ ast_mutex_unlock(&rtp->jblock);
+ switch(ret)
+ {
+ case JB_OK:
+ /* don't deliver if the channel is not up */
+ if(rtp->pvt_helper.get_chan_state(rtp->pvt_helper.pvt) == AST_STATE_UP)
+ {
+ /* deliver the frame into the channel's queue (internally locks the channel mutex!) */
+ rtp->pvt_helper.queue_frame(rtp->pvt_helper.pvt,;
+ }
+ ast_frfree(;
+ break;
+ case JB_INTERP:
+ /* don't interpolate if the channel is not up */
+ if(rtp->pvt_helper.get_chan_state(rtp->pvt_helper.pvt) == AST_STATE_UP)
+ {
+ /* Create an interpolation frame */
+ memset(&af, 0, sizeof(struct ast_frame));
+ // TODO: Remove the unnecessary member zero initializations
+ af.frametype = AST_FRAME_VOICE;
+ af.subclass = rtp->pvt_helper.get_nativeformats(rtp->pvt_helper.pvt);
+ af.datalen = 0;
+ af.samples = * 8;
+ /* Mark as non malloced, because of ast_queue_frame? */
+ af.mallocd = 0;
+ af.src = "SIP JB interpolation";
+ = NULL;
+ // TODO: Do we need to set a delivery timeval?
+ = rtp->rxcore.tv_sec;
+ = rtp->rxcore.tv_usec;
+ += next / 1000;
+ += (next % 1000) * 1000;
+ if( >= 1000000)
+ {
+ -= 1000000;
+ += 1;
+ }
+ /* deliver the frame into the channel's queue (internally locks the channel mutex!) */
+ rtp->pvt_helper.queue_frame(rtp->pvt_helper.pvt, &af);
+ }
+ break;
+ case JB_DROP:
+ /* Just free the frame */
+ ast_frfree(;
+ break;
+ case JB_NOFRAME:
+ break;
+ case JB_EMPTY:
+ break;
+ default:
+ ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "This should never happens!");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ jb_framelog("\tJB_GET[%x] {now=%ld}: now <= next=%ld\n", rtp, now, next);
+ /* unlock the jb mutex */
+ ast_mutex_unlock(&rtp->jblock);
+ }
+ /* Calc how many millisec remains to the next time a frame should be delivered */
+ gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
+ //now = (tv.tv_sec - rtp->rxcore.tv_sec) * 1000 + (tv.tv_usec - rtp->rxcore.tv_usec) / 1000;
+ when = jb_next(rtp->jb) - now;
+ if(when < 10 || when > 30)
+ {
+ /* Obviously the jitterbuffer is confused. Use the length of the last frame. */
+ tmp = ( >= 10 && <= 20) ? : 20;
+ jb_framelog("\tJB_GET[%x] {now=%ld}: Invalid when=%u. Resetting to %d ms.\n", rtp, now, when, tmp);
+ when = tmp;
+ }
+ when--;
+ /* reschedule (adds again this schedule) */
+ rtp->jbid = ast_sched_add(jb_sched, when, get_from_jb, rtp);
+ return 0;
+ //return 1;
+/* End Slav */
+/* Slav - called from a channel who wants a jitterbuff enabled - preforms jitterbuff initialization */
+#ifdef USE_JB
+void ast_rtp_jb_enable(struct ast_rtp *rtp, struct ast_rtp_pvt_helper *pvt_helper,
+ struct sched_context *ex_sched, struct io_context *ex_io)
+#ifdef NEWJB
+ jb_conf jbconf;
+#else /* NEWJB */
+ jb_info jbinfo;
+#endif /* NEWJB */
+ /* Shouldn't be called more than once on a given rtp! */
+ assert(rtp->jb == NULL);
+ /* Initialize the prev timestamp */
+ rtp->prev_timestamp = -1;
+ /* Initialize the destroy flag */
+ rtp->destroyed = 0;
+ /* Initialize the jb sched id */
+ rtp->jbid = -1;
+ /* Create the jitterbuf */
+ rtp->jb = jb_new();
+ /* Is the new jitterbuf successfuly created? */
+ if(rtp->jb != NULL)
+ {
+ /* Copy the pvt_helper data. TODO: Make sure the pvt_helper members are valid */
+ memcpy(&rtp->pvt_helper, pvt_helper, sizeof(struct ast_rtp_pvt_helper));
+ /* Set the maximum lenght of the jitterbuffer (in milliseconds) */
+#ifdef NEWJB
+ jbconf.max_jitterbuf = 500;
+ jb_setconf(rtp->jb,&jbconf);
+#else /* NEWJB */
+ jbinfo.max_jitterbuf = 500;
+ jb_setinfo(rtp->jb,&jbinfo);
+#endif /* NEWJB */
+ /* Initialize the jb mutex */
+ ast_mutex_init(&rtp->jblock);
+ /* lock the queue mutex */
+ ast_mutex_lock(&jb_sched_lock);
+ /* Create a frame log file */
+ /*
+ snprintf(rtp->jb_logfile_pathname, sizeof(rtp->jb_logfile_pathname),
+ "/tmp/jb_frames_%.5d.log", rtp_framelog_counter++);
+ rtp->jb_logfile = fopen(rtp->jb_logfile_pathname, "w+b");
+ */
+ /* add a new schedule for get_from_jb() (scheduled each 20 ms?) */
+ rtp->jbid = ast_sched_add(jb_sched, 20, get_from_jb, rtp);
+ /* signal the schedule queue to wakeup the scheduler (if its waiting) */
+ pthread_cond_signal(&jb_sched_flag);
+ /* unlock the queue mutex */
+ ast_mutex_unlock(&jb_sched_lock);
+ jb_verbose("Jitterbuffer enabled.");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Cannot allocate memory for the jb - only log a warning and continue using the
+ channel without a jb */
+ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to allocate new jitterbuffer.\n");
+ }
+/* End Slav */
+/* Slav - removes all remaining frames from the jb and frees them */
+#ifdef USE_JB
+static void rtp_jb_clear(struct ast_rtp *rtp)
+ jb_frame frame;
+ /* remove and free any remaining frames in the jb */
+ while(jb_getall(rtp->jb,&frame) == JB_OK)
+ {
+ ast_frfree(;
+ }
+/* End Slav */
+/* Slav - destroys the jitterbuf and the jb mutex and frees its rtp container */
+#ifdef USE_JB
+static void rtp_jb_destroy(struct ast_rtp *rtp)
+ /* destroy the jitterbuffer */
+ jb_destroy(rtp->jb);
+ rtp->jb = NULL;
+ /* close the framelog file */
+ if(rtp->jb_logfile != NULL)
+ {
+ fseek(rtp->jb_logfile, 0, SEEK_END);
+ int len = ftell(rtp->jb_logfile);
+ fclose(rtp->jb_logfile);
+ rtp->jb_logfile = NULL;
+ /* If there is less than 1024 bytes logged in this file - delete it */
+ if(len < 1024)
+ {
+ remove(rtp->jb_logfile_pathname);
+ }
+ }
+ /* destroy the jb mutex */
+ ast_mutex_destroy(&rtp->jblock);
+ /* finally free the rtp */
+ free(rtp);
+ jb_verbose("Jitterbuffer destroyed.");
+/* End Slav */
+/* Slav - destroys all rtps on the free list */
+#ifdef USE_JB
+static void rtp_free_destroy_all(void)
+ struct ast_rtp *rtp;
+ while((rtp = rtp_free_dequeue()) != NULL)
+ {
+ /* remove the jb sched */
+ if(rtp->jbid != -1)
+ {
+ ast_sched_del(jb_sched, rtp->jbid);
+ rtp->jbid = -1;
+ }
+ /* clear the jb */
+ rtp_jb_clear(rtp);
+ /* destroy the jb and free the rtp */
+ rtp_jb_destroy(rtp);
+ }
+/* End Slav */
+/* Slav - jitterbuffer scheduler thread function */
+#ifdef USE_JB
+static void * jb_scheduler_thread(void *data)
+ int when;
+ struct timespec abstime;
+ jb_verbose("The rtp jitterbuffer scheduler thread is running.");
+ while(1)
+ {
+ /* lock the queue mutex */
+ ast_mutex_lock(&jb_sched_lock);
+ /* get how many millisecs to wait until the first event scheduled */
+ when = ast_sched_wait(jb_sched);
+ if(when < 0 || when > 1000)
+ {
+ when = 1000;
+ }
+ /* wait until its time for the first schedule - can be interrupted by adding new
+ schedule, or by adding an rtp to the free list for destroying.
+ (internally unlocks the queue mutex and locks it after the waiting is finished) */
+ jb_get_timespec(&abstime, when);
+ pthread_cond_timedwait(&jb_sched_flag, &jb_sched_lock, &abstime);
+ /* destroy all rtps on the free list */
+ rtp_free_destroy_all();
+ /* unlock the queue mutex */
+ ast_mutex_unlock(&jb_sched_lock);
+ /* exec all for time now */
+ ast_sched_runq(jb_sched);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+/* End Slav */
+/* End Slav - **************************************************
+ *************** End Jitterbuf main functions ****************
+ *************************************************************/
static int rtpread(int *id, int fd, short events, void *cbdata)
struct ast_rtp *rtp = cbdata;
@@ -383,7 +1119,46 @@
+/* Slav - the jitterbuf version of ast_rtp_read(). Returns AST_FRAME_NULL if the jb is used */
+#ifdef USE_JB
+struct ast_frame *ast_rtp_read(struct ast_rtp *rtp)
+ static struct ast_frame *frr, nf = { AST_FRAME_NULL, };
+ /* Is a jitterbuffer used for this rtp? */
+ if(rtp->jb != NULL)
+ {
+ /* Read a frame from the network */
+ frr = ast_rtp_read_real(rtp);
+ /* Put the frame into the jb. */
+ if(put_in_jb(rtp, frr) == 0)
+ {
+ return &nf;
+ }
+ /* If put_in_jb() returns non zero (e.g. the channel is not up), deliver the frame immediately. */
+ return frr;
+ }
+ /* If not using jb, deliver the frame immediately. */
+ return ast_rtp_read_real(rtp);
+/* End Slav */
+/* Slav - the real ast_rtp_read() function will be used if the jitterbuffer is not used */
+#ifndef USE_JB
+/* End Slav */
struct ast_frame *ast_rtp_read(struct ast_rtp *rtp)
+/* Slav - else predefine the real ast_rtp_read() func, so the jb version will be used from
+ all rtp channels */
+static struct ast_frame *ast_rtp_read_real(struct ast_rtp *rtp)
+/* End Slav */
int res;
struct sockaddr_in sin;
@@ -1008,7 +1783,40 @@
+ /* Slav - don't free the rtp here if we are using the jb - just add it to the free list. */
+#ifndef USE_JB
+ /* End Slav */
+ /* Slav - add the rtp to the free list, but only if a jb is enabled */
+ /* Does a jitterbuf is used for this rtp? */
+ if(rtp->jb != NULL)
+ {
+ /* lock the jb mutex */
+ ast_mutex_lock(&rtp->jblock);
+ /* set the destroy flag to let get_from_jb() knows that the rtp is on the free list */
+ rtp->destroyed = 1;
+ /* unlock the jb mutex */
+ ast_mutex_unlock(&rtp->jblock);
+ /* lock the sched queue mutex */
+ ast_mutex_lock(&jb_sched_lock);
+ /* add the rtp to the free list */
+ rtp_free_enqueue(rtp);
+ /* unlock the sched queue mutex */
+ ast_mutex_unlock(&jb_sched_lock);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* No - free the rtp */
+ free(rtp);
+ }
+ /* End Slav */
static unsigned int calc_txstamp(struct ast_rtp *rtp, struct timeval *delivery)
@@ -1759,4 +2567,25 @@
+ /* Slav - init the rtp jb scheduler stuff */
+#ifdef USE_JB
+ /* Create a scheduler context */
+ jb_sched = sched_context_create();
+ if(jb_sched == NULL)
+ {
+ ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to create rtp jb scheduler context.\n");
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ /* Start the scheduler thread */
+ if(ast_pthread_create(&jb_sched_thread, NULL, jb_scheduler_thread, NULL) < 0)
+ {
+ ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to start rtp jb scheduler thread.\n");
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ jb_verbose("Started the rtp jitterbuffer scheduler thread.");
+ /* End Slav */
Index: channels/chan_sip.c
RCS file: /usr/cvsroot/asterisk/channels/chan_sip.c,v
retrieving revision 1.771
diff -u -r1.771 chan_sip.c
--- channels/chan_sip.c 24 Jun 2005 02:15:04 -0000 1.771
+++ channels/chan_sip.c 27 Jun 2005 11:53:25 -0000
@@ -2766,10 +2766,58 @@
snprintf(callid, len, "@%s", ast_inet_ntoa(iabuf, sizeof(iabuf), ourip));
+/* Slav - functions for the rtp pvt helper */
+#ifdef USE_JB
+static int sip_queue_frame(void *pvt, struct ast_frame *f)
+ struct sip_pvt *p = (struct sip_pvt *) pvt;
+ if(p->owner != NULL)
+ {
+ return ast_queue_frame(p->owner, f);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+static int sip_get_chan_state(void *pvt)
+ struct sip_pvt *p = (struct sip_pvt *) pvt;
+ if(p->owner != NULL)
+ {
+ return p->owner->_state;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+static int sip_get_nativeformats(void *pvt)
+ struct sip_pvt *p = (struct sip_pvt *) pvt;
+ if(p->owner != NULL)
+ {
+ return p->owner->nativeformats;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+/* End Slav */
/*--- sip_alloc: Allocate SIP_PVT structure and set defaults ---*/
static struct sip_pvt *sip_alloc(char *callid, struct sockaddr_in *sin, int useglobal_nat, const int intended_method)
struct sip_pvt *p;
+ /* Slav - pvt_helper fot the rtp jitterbuffer */
+#ifdef USE_JB
+ struct ast_rtp_pvt_helper pvt_helper;
+ /* End Slav */
p = malloc(sizeof(struct sip_pvt));
if (!p)
@@ -2801,7 +2849,20 @@
if (sip_methods[intended_method].need_rtp) {
p->rtp = ast_rtp_new_with_bindaddr(sched, io, 1, 0, bindaddr.sin_addr);
- if (videosupport)
+ /* Slav - enable a jitterbuffer on the newly created rtp */
+#ifdef USE_JB
+ /* Init the pvt helper functions */
+ pvt_helper.pvt = p;
+ pvt_helper.queue_frame = sip_queue_frame;
+ pvt_helper.get_chan_state = sip_get_chan_state;
+ pvt_helper.get_nativeformats = sip_get_nativeformats;
+ /* enable the jitterbuffer */
+ ast_rtp_jb_enable(p->rtp, &pvt_helper, sched, io);
+ /* End Slav */
+ if (videosupport)
p->vrtp = ast_rtp_new_with_bindaddr(sched, io, 1, 0, bindaddr.sin_addr);
if (!p->rtp) {
ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to create RTP session: %s\n", strerror(errno));
Index: include/asterisk/rtp.h
RCS file: /usr/cvsroot/asterisk/include/asterisk/rtp.h,v
retrieving revision 1.22
diff -u -r1.22 rtp.h
--- include/asterisk/rtp.h 21 Apr 2005 06:02:44 -0000 1.22
+++ include/asterisk/rtp.h 27 Jun 2005 11:53:32 -0000
@@ -25,6 +25,12 @@
extern "C" {
+/* Slav - define USE_JB to enable the jitterbuffer for all rtp channels */
+#define USE_JB
+/* End Slav */
/* Codes for RTP-specific data - not defined by our AST_FORMAT codes */
/*! DTMF (RFC2833) */
#define AST_RTP_DTMF (1 << 0)
@@ -48,6 +54,33 @@
struct ast_rtp;
+/* Slav - jitterbuffer related stuff */
+#ifdef USE_JB
+typedef int (*pvt_queue_frame)(void *pvt, struct ast_frame *f);
+typedef int (*pvt_get_chan_state)(void *pvt);
+typedef int (*pvt_get_nativeformats)(void *pvt);
+/* Defines technology independent way to access some channel functionality */
+struct ast_rtp_pvt_helper
+ /* Pointer to the tech private structure */
+ void *pvt;
+ /* Pointer to a function for queueing a frame into a channel */
+ pvt_queue_frame queue_frame;
+ /* Pointer to a function, returning the current channel state */
+ pvt_get_chan_state get_chan_state;
+ /* Pointer to a function, returning the supported from the channel formats */
+ pvt_get_nativeformats get_nativeformats;
+/* Enables the jitterbuff for the specified channel (and rtp). Performs jitterbuff initialization */
+void ast_rtp_jb_enable(struct ast_rtp *rtp, struct ast_rtp_pvt_helper *pvt_helper,
+ struct sched_context *ex_sched, struct io_context *ex_io);
+/* End Slav */
typedef int (*ast_rtp_callback)(struct ast_rtp *rtp, struct ast_frame *f, void *data);