<DIV>Hi !! </DIV>
<DIV> I have problem with WAIT FOR DIGIT it is alwaysreturning me , " 200 result=0 " that means the no input is sent befor timetou , though i was giving input form SIP client, I have altrenatevely used backgroud, it is taking input and workong fine, but my requirement is WAIT FOR DIGIT , for the input of long stream. please help me,</DIV>
<DIV>int main(void) <BR>{ <BR> char
line[80]; <BR> //Use line Buffering <BR>
setlinebuf(stdin); <BR> setlinebuf(stdout);
<BR> <BR> while(1) <BR>
{ <BR>
fgets(line,80,stdin); <BR> <BR> if (strlen(line) <= 1) break; <BR>
} <BR> <BR> //Wait for a digit
input <BR> <BR> char *temp; <BR>
fprintf(stderr,"Welcome"); <BR> printf("WAIT FOR DIGIT 1500 \n"); <BR> fgets(line,80,stdin); <BR>
fprintf(stderr,"values =%s \n",line); <BR> temp = strstr (line,"="); <BR>
<BR> if (*temp == '=' && *(temp+1) != '0') <BR> { <BR>
temp++; <BR> <BR> *(temp +3) =
'\0'; <BR> <BR> if
(r_val == 42) <BR> fprintf (stderr,"Test\n"); <BR> } <BR> return
0; <BR>}</DIV>
<DIV> <BR></DIV><p>__________________________________________________<br>Do You Yahoo!?<br>Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around <br>http://mail.yahoo.com