[asterisk-dev] Python 3 test suite

asterisk at phreaknet.org asterisk at phreaknet.org
Thu Sep 1 08:52:13 CDT 2022

On 9/1/2022 7:53 AM, Joshua C. Colp wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 1, 2022 at 8:07 AM <asterisk at phreaknet.org 
> <mailto:asterisk at phreaknet.org>> wrote:
>     On 8/31/2022 7:47 PM, Michael Bradeen wrote:
>     > Hello again!
>     >
>     > The Python3 release of the testsuite has been merged. The wiki has
>     > been updated and will continue to update as things change.
>     >
>     > As indicated before, with this change running the testsuite on
>     Python2
>     > is no longer supported.  Please check the wiki for any questions
>     and
>     > reply on the forum or this email with questions that come up!
>     Thanks for the update Mike, and all the work involved in this,
>         I was able to get the runInVenv.sh script to finally run last
>     night,
>     after installing a few additional Debian packages (python3-dev and
>     python3-venv)
>     (I wonder if an install_prereqs.sh for the test suite might be
>     useful at
>     some point, but that's for a different day)
> There already is one in the same place as the Asterisk one, 
> contrib/scripts/install_prereq

I went ahead and ran that on a different system.
At the end, I get:

## install completed successfully

Testsuite requires python version >= 3.6.8
Your installed python is
Python 2.7.18

However, I got this when running:
(note, this was with setupVenv.sh patched to remove the output direction 
- otherwise you get absolutely nothing)

root at debian11:/usr/src/testsuite# ./runInVenv.sh python runtests.py -l
Reinstall required, removing and recreating venv
The virtual environment was not created successfully because ensurepip 
is not
available.  On Debian/Ubuntu systems, you need to install the python3-venv
package using the following command.

     apt-get install python3-venv

You may need to use sudo with that command.  After installing the 
package, recreate your virtual environment.

Failing command: ['/usr/src/testsuite/.venv/bin/python3', '-Im', 
'ensurepip', '--upgrade', '--default-pip']

One of the pre-reqs that caused issues before is covered, but 
python3-venv still needs to be added to the install_prereq script 
actually. And at the moment, since all errors are going into the ether, 
there's no indication at all of this issue.

I can submit a review to add this pre-req; it sounded like maybe further 
discussion was warranted on the error output redirection but I still 
think that's the more appropriate way to do it.

On the upside, now runtests.py can "find" Asterisk stuff, unlike before, 
so install_prereq was actually key to making it work. I'm encountering 
other issues, but at least tests themselves are trying to run, which is 

root at debian11:/usr/src/testsuite# ./runInVenv.sh python runtests.py 
Running tests for Asterisk (run 1 of 1)...

Tests to run: 153 * 1 time(s) = 153  Maximum test inactivity time: 0 sec.
--> Running test 
'tests/apps/agents/agent_acknowledge/agent_acknowledge_error' ...
Making sure Asterisk isn't running ...
Making sure SIPp isn't running...
Running tests/apps/agents/agent_acknowledge/agent_acknowledge_error ...
[Sep 01 09:52:09] WARNING[2716462]: asterisk.asterisk:246 errReceived: 
Asterisk received error: ASTdb initialization failed.  

I was wondering if maybe python should be python3, given my default is 
2.7 apparently, but I guess that wasn't necessary.
I think it would be good to add a note about this to the wiki[1], as 
opposed to install various things ad hoc individually. This page[2] does 
mention the script, but it says it's for Python 2 and makes it seem like 
the script is obsolete, so if that's not the case, then maybe that 
should be updated.

[1] https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Using+Python3


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