[asterisk-dev] Python 3 test suite
asterisk at phreaknet.org
asterisk at phreaknet.org
Thu Sep 1 06:06:35 CDT 2022
On 8/31/2022 7:47 PM, Michael Bradeen wrote:
> Hello again!
> The Python3 release of the testsuite has been merged. The wiki has
> been updated and will continue to update as things change.
> As indicated before, with this change running the testsuite on Python2
> is no longer supported. Please check the wiki for any questions and
> reply on the forum or this email with questions that come up!
Thanks for the update Mike, and all the work involved in this,
I was able to get the runInVenv.sh script to finally run last night,
after installing a few additional Debian packages (python3-dev and
(I wonder if an install_prereqs.sh for the test suite might be useful at
some point, but that's for a different day)
As I hinted before, I feel pretty strongly that stderr in ./setupVenv.sh
should not be discarded. The first time I ran it, there were errors that
pointed me towards the missing packages. This actually happened a couple
times. If there was an install_prereq.sh, that would be one thing, but
since there isn't, I think that no output should be discarded by
default, and certainly stderr should not be. Patching that script to
remove output redirection to /dev/null was the first step. If there's a
problem, the user needs to know (or other steps need to be taken to
ensure there won't be a problem).
With that part working, I seem to be running into a somewhat bizarre
issue where the test suite can't "find" Asterisk. By this, no tests
actually run - they all fail because pre-reqs for modules and core files
aren't met, e.g:
937) tests/pbx/accountcode/dial_predial
--> Summary: Test dial channel accountcode propagation with
predial override
--> Tags: ['pjsip', 'accountcode']
--> Dependency: app_dial -- Met: False
--> Dependency: app_echo -- Met: False
--> Dependency: func_channel -- Met: False
--> Dependency: res_pjsip -- Met: False
The test suite dependencies *are* satisfied, for tests that need them.
For example:
929) tests/manager/sendtext
--> Summary: Send a message via the AMI
--> Tags: ['pjsip']
--> Dependency: sipp -- Met: True
--> Dependency: app_sendtext -- Met: False
--> Dependency: chan_pjsip -- Met: False
--> Dependency: res_pjsip -- Met: False
1140) tests/sorcery/memory_cache_stale_object
--> Summary: Sorcery Memory Cache AMI
SorceryMemoryCacheStaleObject Test
--> Tags: ['realtime', 'pjsip']
--> Dependency: twisted -- Met: True
--> Dependency: starpy -- Met: True
--> Dependency: res_pjsip -- Met: False
--> Dependency: res_config_curl -- Met: False
--> Dependency: func_curl -- Met: False
--> Dependency: res_sorcery_realtime -- Met: False
--> Dependency: res_sorcery_memory_cache -- Met: False
This is on a Debian 10 machine where the test suite previously worked,
so I'm wondering is there something I need to do in order to make the
test suite script properly find the location of the Asterisk modules or
something like that? I didn't see anything about this on that webpage. I
did run make install-headers on the existing Asterisk install, as I
wasn't sure that had been done before, but everything else is in
accordance with the guidelines. Only difference I can think of is I did
use COMPILE_DOUBLE, but I can't see what they would be relevant.
Any insight appreciated - thanks!
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