[asterisk-dev] AstriDevCon 2021

Joshua C. Colp jcolp at sangoma.com
Tue Aug 3 08:06:50 CDT 2021

Kia ora,

It's that time again! AstriDevCon 2021 is fast approaching and signup
is now open[1]. AstriDevCon will be on Tuesday, September 28th, at the
Loews Royal Pacific in Orlando, Florida. If you would like to
attend, discussion is intended to be focused on developmental and
project level topics.  Seating space is limited, so signing up sooner
rather than later is recommended.  Due to the limited seating,
please wait for an acceptance email before making conclusive plans
to attend DevCon that day.

Also, we plan on continuing our format from previous years to allow
people to submit talk proposals for DevCon. You can find information
in the signup form about how to include a proposal.


[1] https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/AstriDevCon

Joshua C. Colp
Asterisk Technical Lead
Sangoma Technologies
Check us out at www.sangoma.com and www.asterisk.org
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