[asterisk-dev] No Audio and ICE negotiation logs

Steve W sw.wilkins60 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 8 15:16:25 CDT 2018

Hello Balraj,
To start, also make stun changes in res_stun_monitor.

On Mon, Oct 8, 2018 at 4:13 PM Balraj Singh <balraj.singh at zemosolabs.com>

> Hi,
> We have Asterisk Installed on AWS with following configs:
> Asterisk Version: 15.4.0 with NAT and Gateway.
> OS: CentOS.
> The problem we are facing is that we are getting Audio while calling using
> a SIP Phone connected to our Asterisk using our Local IP. But, we are
> facing no Audio issue on both sides when calling from an External IP. By
> External IP I mean, calling from a connection outside of our Infrastructure.
> So for that, we have configured NAT settings and stun server in pjsip.conf
> and rtp.conf respectively. But even then we are facing the same problem, NO
> By turning on rtp debug on we can see the following logs:
> Logs while calling from External IP:
> Sent RTP packet to      xxx:xxx:xxx:xxx:50654 <> (type 00, seq 000569, ts 000160, len 000160)
> Sent RTP packet to      xxx:xxx:xxx:xxx:50654 <> (type 00, seq 000570, ts 000320, len 000160)
> Sent RTP packet to      xxx:xxx:xxx:xxx:50654 <> (type 00, seq 000571, ts 000480, len 000160)
> Sent RTP packet to      xxx:xxx:xxx:xxx:50654 <>(type 00, seq 000572, ts 000640, len 000160)
> Sent RTP packet to      xxx:xxx:xxx:xxx:50654 <> (type 00, seq 000573, ts 000800, len 000160)
> Sent RTP packet to      xxx:xxx:xxx:xxx:50654 <> (type 00, seq 000574, ts 000960, len 000160)
> Sent RTP packet to      xxx:xxx:xxx:xxx:50654 <>(type 00, seq 000575, ts 001120, len 000160)
> Sent RTP packet to      xxx:xxx:xxx:xxx:50654 <> (type 00, seq 000576, ts 001280, len 000160)
> Sent RTP packet to      xxx:xxx:xxx:xxx:50654 <>(type 00, seq 000577, ts 001440, len 000160)
> Sent RTP packet to      xxx:xxx:xxx:xxx:50654 <> (type 00, seq 000578, ts 001600, len 000160)
> Logs while calling from Local / Internal IP:
> Got  RTP packet from    xxx:xxx:xxx:xxx:50433 (type 00, seq 006608, ts 3065984412, len 000160)
> Got  RTP packet from    xxx:xxx:xxx:xxx:50433 (type 00, seq 006609, ts 3065984572, len 000160)
> Got  RTP packet from    xxx:xxx:xxx:xxx:50433 (type 00, seq 006610, ts 3065984732, len 000160)
> Got  RTP packet from    xxx:xxx:xxx:xxx:50433 (type 00, seq 006611, ts 3065984892, len 000160)
> Got  RTP packet from    xxx:xxx:xxx:xxx:50433 (type 00, seq 006612, ts 3065985052, len 000160)
> Got  RTP packet from    xxx:xxx:xxx:xxx:50433 (type 00, seq 006613, ts 3065985212, len 000160)
> Got  RTP packet from    xxx:xxx:xxx:xxx:50433 (type 00, seq 006614, ts 3065985372, len 000160)
> Got  RTP packet from    xxx:xxx:xxx:xxx:50433 (type 00, seq 006615, ts 3065985532, len 000160)
> Got  RTP packet from    xxx:xxx:xxx:xxx:50433 (type 00, seq 006616, ts 3065985692, len 000160)
> Got  RTP packet from    xxx:xxx:xxx:xxx:50433 (type 00, seq 006617, ts 3065985852, len 000160)
> Sent RTP packet to      xxx:xxx:xxx:xxx:50433 *(via ICE)* (type 00, seq 027738, ts 000160, len 000170)
> Sent RTP packet to      xxx:xxx:xxx:xxx:50433 *(via ICE)* (type 00, seq 027739, ts 000320, len 000170)
> Got  RTP packet from    xxx:xxx:xxx:xxx:50433 (type 00, seq 006618, ts 3065986012, len 000160)
> Sent RTP packet to      xxx:xxx:xxx:xxx:50433 *(via ICE)* (type 00, seq 027740, ts 000480, len 000170)
> Got  RTP packet from    xxx:xxx:xxx:xxx:50433 (type 00, seq 006619, ts 3065986172, len 000160)
> Sent RTP packet to      xxx:xxx:xxx:xxx:50433 *(via ICE)* (type 00, seq 027741, ts 000640, len 000170)
> Got  RTP packet from    xxx:xxx:xxx:xxx:50433 (type 00, seq 006620, ts 3065986332, len 000160)
> Sent RTP packet to      xxx:xxx:xxx:xxx:50433 *(via ICE)* (type 00, seq 027742, ts 000800, len 000170)
> Got  RTP packet from    xxx:xxx:xxx:xxx:50433 (type 00, seq 006621, ts 3065986492, len 000160)
> Sent RTP packet to      xxx:xxx:xxx:xxx:50433 *(via ICE)* (type 00, seq 027743, ts 000960, len 000170)
> What could go wrong for the difference in log? We are getting audio where we are getting *VIA ICE.*
> Following is our rtp.conf and pjsip.conf respectively:
> *rtp.conf*
> [general]rtpstart=10002rtpend=20000rtcpinterval=9998rtpchecksums=nostrictrtp=noicesupport=yesstunaddr=stun.l.google.com:19302;stunaddr=xx.xx.xx.xx:3478 ;
> *pjsip.conf*
> [global]
> type = global
> debug = no
> [transport-udp-nat]
> type=transport
> protocol=udp
> bind=
> local_net=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/
> external_media_address=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx ;public IP of gateway / tried with AWS public IP too
> external_signaling_address=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx ; same as external_media_address
> cert_file=some_pem_file
> ca_list_file=some_crt_file
> [transport-udp]
> type = transport
> protocol = udp
> bind = ;tried with too
> [transport-wss]
> type=transport
> protocol=wss
> bind=
> [transport-tls]
> type=transport
> protocol=tls
> bind= ;tried with too
> cert_file=some_pem_file
> priv_key_file=some_priv_key
> ca_list_file=some_crt_file
> method=tlsv1
> [some_context]
> type = aor
> max_contacts = 1
> [some_context]
> type = auth
> username = user_name
> password = password
> [some_context]
> type=endpoint
> context=outgoing
> dtmf_mode=rfc4733
> transport=transport-tls
> transport=transport-udp-nat
> rtp_symmetric=yes
> disallow=all
> allow=ulaw
> allow=opus
> ice_support = yes
> direct_media = no
> use_avpf = yes
> auth = some_context
> outbound_auth=some_context
> media_encryption=dtls
> media_use_received_transport=yes
> dtls_verify = fingerprint
> dtls_cert_file=some_pem_file
> dtls_ca_file=some_crt_file
> dtls_private_key=some_priv_key
> dtls_setup=actpass
> rtcp_mux=yes
> aors = some_context
> Please help us out. What could go wrong?. Also if some configuration is missing / needs to be changed or need more logs for debugging, please let us know.
> --
> *Thanks, *
> *Balraj Singh Saini,*
> *ZeMoSo Technologies.*
> --
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