[asterisk-dev] Asterisk-11 DTMF bug ?

Mark Murawski markm-lists at intellasoft.net
Fri Apr 7 10:22:56 CDT 2017

On 4/6/17 4:23 PM, Matt Fredrickson wrote:
> Hey Mark,
> First off, thanks for reaching out to the Asterisk community to talk
> about the trouble you're having :-)
> This actually is a development related mailing list - so primarily for
> development of Asterisk C source code level discussions, project
> policy related discussions, and sometimes protocol development related
> discussions.
> Your question appears to be configuration or at the very least debug
> related, rather than development related.  I would try referring it to
> the asterisk-users mailing list or the community.asterisk.org forums
> instead.
> I think you probably should add more data about your Asterisk
> configuration in this case, as well as your expectations as to what
> should be working and what is not working, as that is not clear to me
> from your description.  Are you not seeing DTMF bridged between the
> two parties in the call, or is some other DTMF triggered behavior you
> expect Asterisk to be demonstrating not occurring?  These are
> questions I would hope to be answered when posting a follow up on one
> of the other lists.
> Hope that helps, and best wishes to you in resolving your problem! :-)

Hi Matt,

As a long time community member, I do understand the split of -users and 
-dev.  This is an internal implementation question/discussion and I 
believe this is more suited to the -dev list.

I'm in the process of collecting more test cases, so far I've also 
reproduced the issue with a soft phone.  So it does appear that it's not 
dependent on the endpoint user agent to exhibit this problem.

The purpose of this post was to put out feelers to see if this was 
possibly a known issue with handling DTMF with a B2BUA scenario. While 
it may wind up being a configuration issue to fix this, the expectation 
is that with the current settings, DTMF should 'just work'.  The 
endpoint is clearly sending RFC2833, and asterisk is not interpreting it 
in the B2BUA flow.

New Details: If I switch the endpoint to SIP INFO, then asterisk does 
interpret the DTMF.  To me, this signals that this is probably a bug.  
Given all else being equal that the asterisk config has not changed, and 
switching from 2833 to info, fixes the issue.

I'll be drawing out some diagrams and describing some test cases within 
a day or two.

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