[asterisk-dev] [asterisk-users] Migrating asterisk 11 to 13: some callers get no ringback tone any more

Joshua Colp jcolp at digium.com
Tue May 3 11:47:13 CDT 2016

Michael Maier wrote:


> Ok - but this doesn't seem to answer my main question:
> Why must
> progressinband=never
> be applied especially if asterisk uses it by default? The big difference
> between w/ and w/o it is:

The default in 13 is "no" which still allows early media through. That 
option has a complicated past.

> w/o the option progrssinband=never just the sip-package
> 	183 Session Progress
> is sent.

Yes, because it's doing inband progress using a media stream.

> w/ the option set, the additional sip-packages
> 	100 Trying
> 	180 Ringing
> 	180 Ringing
> are sent.
> If progrssinband=never is the default, the Ringing package should be
> sent always, shouldn't it?

It's not the default.

> If I remove the option progrssinband=never via FreePBX, I can't find any
> other value provided to progrssinband in /etc/asterisk/*.
> Why does it work always correctly w/ the second trunk, which is
> connected directly to the extension?

FreePBX may not use inband progress for that scenario, causing it to 
send out of band ringing instead.

> Is it possible to switch off the standard behavior of asterisk /
> progrssinband for ring groups only by setting some other options?

Asterisk does not have the concept of ring groups, this is a FreePBX 
construc. Asterisk itself does allow the option to be set on an 
individual basis for the entries in sip.conf.

Joshua Colp
Digium, Inc. | Senior Software Developer
445 Jan Davis Drive NW - Huntsville, AL 35806 - US
Check us out at: www.digium.com & www.asterisk.org

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