[asterisk-dev] Plan for updating the ARI Swagger Version

Leif Madsen leif at leifmadsen.com
Thu Feb 25 09:59:11 CST 2016

On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 10:16 AM, Dan Jenkins <dan.jenkins88 at gmail.com>
> If that's the case, should we consider moving to another project? the JSON
> API spec is pretty nice (1). Or open a dialogue with the swagger team now
> that it's "Open API Spec" and see whether anything is going to change in
> terms of how they update things? I completely agree with you on the not so
> nice upgrade paths and breaking things within what I consider a minor
> version bump. If we're going to stick with swagger/openAPI even though we
> might not be fans of how they update the specification, then we can put
> some time into helping upgrade the ARI interface but I'd rather think about
> swapping out for another spec now rather than do the work and feel like
> we're still painted into a corner. Sorry, I know that's a rather radical
> move/statement but thought I'd put it out there.
> 1.http://jsonapi.org/
There is also http://raml.org/ as an alternative.

(I personally like the JSON stuff better for APIs since it's easier to
parse in Go.)

Leif Madsen
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