[asterisk-dev] Re-visit ASTERISK-25444 for Asterisk 13.7.2

Joshua Colp jcolp at digium.com
Mon Feb 22 05:44:13 CST 2016

Ross Beer wrote:
> Hi,
> It is possible to revisit ticket ASTERISK-25444, basically RealTime MoH
> causes a lot of messages to be displayed on queues due to the way an
> error message is being used.

The issue remains open, there's nothing to revisit on it as nothing has 
been done as of this time.

> For example:
> [2016-02-22 09:20:42] WARNING[7562][C-000034c5]: res_musiconhold.c:884
> _get_mohbyname: Music on Hold class 'default' not found in memory.
> Verify your configuration.
> However MoH is stored in RealTime and plays correctly.
> Also is there a way Sourcery can cache RealTime MoH?

MoH does not use sorcery and can not use sorcery features (such as its 
caching ability).

Joshua Colp
Digium, Inc. | Senior Software Developer
445 Jan Davis Drive NW - Huntsville, AL 35806 - US
Check us out at: www.digium.com & www.asterisk.org

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