[asterisk-dev] Asterisk Docker Containers: Phase 1

Corey Farrell git at cfware.com
Tue Nov 24 16:26:04 CST 2015


Thanks for explaining I should have read your blog post before replying to
Jared's email about the RPM's.  I didn't realize EPEL was that strict with
version freezes to stay with a no longer supported version.

I do not know too much about Docker yet but I took a look anyways.  Can
variables be used in Dockerfile.asterisk?  The idea is to be able to use a
new version of Asterisk without having to update the version on 40 lines.
Also when someone forks your GIT repo to add/remove packages from the
install list, they won't face 'git rebase' conflicts after you update the


On Thursday, November 19, 2015, Leif Madsen <leif.madsen at avoxi.com> wrote:

> Hey Corey!
> The way it works is that major versions of Asterisk (and same with other
> packages) are associated with specific releases of Fedora and RHEL, which
> means the major versions are "stuck" to those releases.
> However, you can still build the newer version of Asterisk by pulling the
> spec file and sources from later Fedora versions (Fedora 23 for instance).
> You can rebuild the RPMs supplied using fedpkg, as I've done in phase 1 of
> my blog post. There are other ways you can do it was well, like with mock
> etc.
> (You'll need some dependencies in order to build everything).
> If you look at my buildit.sh script, it provides the primitives for
> building the dependencies. I'm doing this via a local build with rpmbuild
> (because the script is run in the Docker container), but you could also
> replace this with a fedpkg mock build which would build the RPMs in the
> chroot for you. There might be some things that are slightly more
> complicated in that method, because you'd have to get the resulting
> dependency RPMs into the chroot (possible, it's just not super straight
> forward if you haven't done it before).
> I'd probably still suggest doing it in the Docker container, simply
> because it's super simple to get things spun up. You can even use the
> local.repo file I'm providing as well. Basically everything you need to
> build Asterisk for your platform (Red Hat based) is in the repo linked
> above.
> Note: this won't work on CentOS 6. There are some oddities with CentOS 6
> in Docker that resulted in me not being able to build Asterisk in the
> CentOS 6 container (gcc complained about not being able to result in a
> binary or something).
> Long story short, use fedpkg to build the RPMs from the Fedora
> repositories. Just clone the Fedora 23 version (which gets you Asterisk
> 13.3.2 as of now), and then build it on top of the system you want (CentOS
> 6 or 7 for example).
> Thanks!
> Leif.
> On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 2:23 PM, Corey Farrell <git at cfware.com> wrote:
> >
> > Jared,
> >
> > I just looked through the EPEL website at EPEL6 and EPEL7, only found
> > Asterisk 1.8.  Can you point me to the spec file you are using or  an
> > SRPM?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Corey
> >
> > On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 2:02 PM, Jared Smith <jaredsmith at jaredsmith.net>
> wrote:
> > >
> > > On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 10:14 AM, Matthew Jordan <mjordan at digium.com>
> wrote:
> > >>
> > >> Would it be appropriate to summarize the current state of things as
> "we
> > >> need a spec file for Asterisk"?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > At one point, there was an awful .spec file in the Asterisk sources...
> > > hopefully it's not around any more.
> > >
> > > That being said, I just took over as the main maintainer/contact for
> the
> > > Asterisk packages in Fedora/EPEL -- It's one of the most complicated
> spec
> > > files in Fedora, but that obviously hasn't scared me off.
> > >
> > > I'd love feedback on things we can do to make those packages better,
> and get
> > > a tighter feedback loop between the Asterisk development community and
> the
> > > packagers in Fedora/RHEL/CentOS/etc.
> >
> --
> Leif Madsen
> Director of Engineering, Product Development
> http://avoxi.com
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