[asterisk-dev] [Code Review] 4555: clang compiler warning: fixes for tests to be compiled using clang

Diederik de Groot reviewboard at asterisk.org
Sun Mar 29 17:43:52 CDT 2015

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(Updated March 30, 2015, 12:43 a.m.)

Review request for Asterisk Developers.

Bugs: ASTERISK-24917

Repository: Asterisk


clang's static analyzer will throw quite a number warnings / errors during compilation, some of which can be very helpfull in finding corner-case bugs. 

fixes for tests to be compiled using clang

Diffs (updated)

  /branches/13/tests/test_strings.c 433444 
  /branches/13/tests/test_stringfields.c 433444 
  /branches/13/tests/test_sched.c 433444 
  /branches/13/tests/test_linkedlists.c 433444 
  /branches/13/tests/test_acl.c 433444 
  /branches/13/main/utils.c 433444 

Diff: https://reviewboard.asterisk.org/r/4555/diff/


executing the tests one-by-one works fine (completes to end) (skipping /main/stdtime) -> 
test show results failed:

=================== /main/message/ ====== 
FAIL   test_message_queue_handler_nom /main/message/             31036ms
[test_message.c:int handler_wait_for_message(struct ast_test *):244]: Test timed out while waiting for handler to get message

=================== /main/strings/ ====== 
FAIL   escape_semicolons              /main/strings/             1ms     
[Mar 29 20:13:43] ERROR[2521]: utils.c:493 char *ast_escape_semicolons(const char *, char *, int): FRACK!, Failed assertion string != NULL && outbuf != NULL (0)
-> explainable by the change made to the source. ast_alloca(0) is not being executed -> test2 = NULL: need to resolv the open question how to handle ast_alloca(0) before making any further changes.

=================== /main/stdtime ====== 
"test execute all" fails, caused by the /main/stdtime/ test. 
START  /main/stdtime/ - timezone_watch 
[test_time.c:enum ast_test_result_state test_timezone_watch(struct ast_test_info *, enum ast_test_command, struct ast_test *):84]: Executing deletion test...
CLI becomes unresponsive / no further command completion for example.
Guess this will need a little further investigation. Maybe the source changes made to main/stdtime/ where not completely correct.

File Attachments

tests results xml (except /main/stdtime)


Diederik de Groot

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