[asterisk-dev] Asterisk and external SIP subscribtions

Paul Belanger paul.belanger at polybeacon.com
Thu Mar 20 08:57:32 CDT 2014

On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 12:22 PM, Olle E. Johansson <oej at edvina.net> wrote:
> On 19 Mar 2014, at 16:59, Matthew Jordan <mjordan at digium.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 10:00 AM, Olle E. Johansson <oej at edvina.net> wrote:
>>> On 19 Mar 2014, at 15:55, Olle E. Johansson <oej at edvina.net> wrote:
>>>> On 19 Mar 2014, at 15:41, Matthew Jordan <mjordan at digium.com> wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 9:26 AM, Olle E. Johansson <oej at edvina.net> wrote:
>>>>> <snip>
>> <snip>
>>>>> Fundamentally, I've been thinking about this problem more around
>>>>> device states: that is, if all Asterisk instances have the ability to
>>>>> share their device states - whatever those device states happen to
>>>>> derive from - then every Asterisk instance can build the same
>>>>> extension states if they so choose to. Or not - but it ends up being a
>>>>> function of the Asterisk dialplan at each instance, as opposed to
>>>>> something forced.
>>>>> In a world where all Asterisk instances know of the device states for
>>>>> any other Asterisk instance, can you explain why publishing extension
>>>>> states are needed?
>>>> As I said - to off load NOTIFications to phones for blinking lamps.
>>>> Asterisk PUBLISH extension state to the proxy. The proxy manages
>>>> all the subscriptions. Everyone is happy and do what they do best.
>>> BTW the PUBLISH is in the good ol' dialog-info XML format.
>> That makes sense. Thanks!
>> In Asterisk 12/trunk, both the extension state as well as device state
>> have a subscription based API in Asterisk, so both should be readily
>> doable without any changes in the core.
>> I looked in both pinana-initialize-devstate-1.8 as well as
>> pinana-initialize-devstate-trunk,
> Those two was just a small patch that I found during that work. It's not the core.
> It's in pinana-publish-1.4
> We got to a state where you could subscribe to the state between asterisk servers.
> I think the dialplan hint was something like:
> exten => 2001,hint,sipds:sip:3000 at atlanta.example.com
> This would force a subscription on device states from another server - Kamailio
> or Asterisk.
> /O
> =======
> * sip_presence.conf.sample
> ; Configuration file for SIP presence integration
> ;
> ; This is where you configure
> ;  - presence servers to use
> ;  - which extensions to publish
> ;  - which devices to publish
> [pinana-one]
> type=presenceserver
> ; Domain for presence states published TO this server
> domain=astritech.org
> ; Hostname can be DNS name or device in sip.conf
> host=coreproxy7
> filter=SIP/,meetme:
> [pinana-two]
> type=presenceserver
> domain=devstate.astritech.org
> ;hostname used for this server
> host=coreproxy8
So it sounds like there is no technical document any place, just code
in subversion.  So, we'll get started on something and get it up onto
the wiki, people can chime in on the design side.  Once people are
on-board with the technology and such, we'll fund the development and
aim to get it into Asterisk 13.

Paul Belanger | PolyBeacon, Inc.
Jabber: paul.belanger at polybeacon.com | IRC: pabelanger (Freenode)
Github: https://github.com/pabelanger | Twitter: https://twitter.com/pabelanger

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