[asterisk-dev] [Code Review] 3343: res_pjsip: Enable DNS support.

Paul Belanger paul.belanger at polybeacon.com
Fri Mar 14 10:57:47 CDT 2014

On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 10:29 AM, Olle E. Johansson <oej at edvina.net> wrote:
> On 14 Mar 2014, at 15:22, Sean Bright <sean.bright at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 3/14/2014 10:02 AM, Olle E. Johansson wrote:
>>>> It would mean continuing to maintain Asterisk's pjproject fork until those changes were (hopefully) accepted upstream, released, and then waiting for the rpm/deb packages to catch up.  Not to mention that someone would actually have to _do_ all of this work.  Could all volunteers please raise their hands? ;-)
>>> If this is how we are going to manage our product then I'm getting really worried. Are we controlling our own software?
>> I'm not sure why you are getting worried.  If you would like to improve the DNS resolver within Asterisk are you not free to do so?
> And I'm doing it.
> My problem is when I get arguments like "it's there in PJIP so we have to use it" or "we can't do anything because of PJSIP".
> PJSIP doesn't do happy eyeballs, doesn't do SIP outbound and misses a lot of features that we do need. If we are locked down waiting for them and can not control our own fate as a product, we are in really bad shape.
> I am not saying they are not doing a good job in PJSIP, but if I was a product manager for Asterisk I would not like having so little control of one of the most important modules.
I cannot remember if we talked about this at astridevcon or not, but
by using an external library you are some what committed to using
there feature set.  Which, is fine IMO.  However, as new features are
needed / added, we'd ideally work with upstream to get them merged up.
I'm pretty happy we finally got all the patches to pjproject merged by
teluu, but some what concerned about the troubles other people have
had getting code merged (I think ajprojects).  I'm not sure if Digium
had to get some support agreement or not but at the end of the day, we
are dependent on teluu's workflow process.

Paul Belanger | PolyBeacon, Inc.
Jabber: paul.belanger at polybeacon.com | IRC: pabelanger (Freenode)
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