[asterisk-dev] Proposed removal of deprecated modules in Asterisk 13 (cdr_sqlite, chan_gtalk, chan_jingle, res_jabber, chan_h323, app_readfile, app_dahdibarge, app_setcallerid, app_saycountpl)

Matthew Jordan mjordan at digium.com
Mon Jun 30 09:34:41 CDT 2014

On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 9:24 AM, Walter Doekes <walter+asterisk-dev at osso.nl>

> On 29-06-14 00:50, Matthew Jordan wrote:
>> * app_readfile/app_dahdibarge/app_setcallerid/app_saycountpl -
>> deprecated in Asterisk 1.8. While less important than the other
>> previously listed modules, having been deprecated for 2 LTS's, it is
>> probably time for these module to go.
> May I also suggest removing:
> - SetAMAFlags

I would love to nuke this from high orbit, but we didn't deprecate it until
Asterisk 12 (despite having a clear replacement since at least 1.8). The
policy on deprecation on the wiki says it needs to stick around for two
release versions once deprecated... so... nuts. This should get removed in
Asterisk 14.

> - SetMusicOnHold
> - WaitMusicOnHold
Both of these were deprecated in Asterisk 1.8, and can be removed.

> in chan_sip:
> - "username" (=defaultuser)

Agreed, deprecated in Asterisk 1.8.

> - SIPPEER accepting colon separator

Apparently deprecated after 1.4... so yes.

Deprecated in 1.6.1, so again, yes.

Matthew Jordan
Digium, Inc. | Engineering Manager
445 Jan Davis Drive NW - Huntsville, AL 35806 - USA
Check us out at: http://digium.com & http://asterisk.org
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