[asterisk-dev] [Code Review] 3733: Added a pluggable module for pluggable_modules.py that allows the user to test different attributes of a given sound file

Matt Jordan reviewboard at asterisk.org
Wed Jul 23 07:57:02 CDT 2014

> On July 17, 2014, 3:31 p.m., Matt Jordan wrote:
> > /asterisk/trunk/lib/python/asterisk/pluggable_modules.py, lines 443-466
> > <https://reviewboard.asterisk.org/r/3733/diff/2/?file=62566#file62566line443>
> >
> >     I'd structure this differently:
> >     
> >     (1) First, try to get rid of your indexes. Generally, you should be popping the current thing to go 'execute' off the list of sound files/actions, and passing that item to the functions that do the work.
> >     
> >     (2) Next, don't do two things in a function. This is iterating both through the sound files to check, as well as the actions. This should just be handling executing the next action to run - leave whether or not all sound files have been executed to whatever calls this. (As an aside, this function should take in two parameters - the actions to execute, as well as the ami parameter)
> >     
> >     (3) In this function, you can do something like the following to execute the next action:
> >     
> >     action = actions.pop()
> >     
> >     if action['type'] == 'size_check':
> >         self.size_check(action, ami)
> >     elif action['type'] == 'energy_check':
> >         self.energy_check(action, ami)
> >     else:
> >         LOGGER.ERROR('Unknown action type: %s' % action['type'])
> >         raise ValueError()
> >     
> >     if (len(self.actions) == 0):
> >         # All done!
> >         return False
> >     else:
> >         return True
> >     
> >     The caller of this should continue to call it until False is returned.
> >     
> >     (4) Update your size_check and energy_check functions to take in the action and AMI object. That way, they don't have to do all the indexing as well.

To update this finding:

Unfortunately, this isn't quite as easy as I had hoped. Part of the checks that this module must do involves waiting on an AMI event to inform the checker that the sound has energy. The starpy registerEvent function does not allow you to pass arbitrary data to the callback. As such, the test has to cache some state object while it waits for this event to fire. That means that even with a reasonable refactoring of this code, we would still have *some* member attribute keeping track of the state, at which point there's not a lot of benefit gained from the refactoring.

This finding can be dropped.

- Matt

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On July 22, 2014, 1:46 p.m., Christopher Wolfe wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> https://reviewboard.asterisk.org/r/3733/
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated July 22, 2014, 1:46 p.m.)
> Review request for Asterisk Developers.
> Bugs: ASTERISK-24010
>     https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-24010
> Repository: testsuite
> Description
> -------
> Allows the user to test a recorded sound file in many different ways:
> 1) This test ALWAYS gets done- Checks whether the given sound file exists using a predefined path that can be created by either explicitly defining a filepath by declaring the filepath type as defined, or using a default path that is relative to the current test's var/spool/asterisk folder. From there, the user can add extensions to the file name to tack on relative folders (monitor/testaudio.wav being an example).
> 2) Optional- The sound file is checked whether it fits within a certain size criteria (measured in bytes).  A basis size and degree of size tolerance are determined by the user.  For example, if the size was 500000 and the tolerance was set to 50000, then the sound file's size would need to be somewhere between 450000 and 550000 in order to pass that test.
> 3) Optional- The sound file's sound energy levels are checked.  This is done by creating a Local channel that should get sent to a dialplan extension that should contain a BackgroundDetect application that fits the user's specifications. The variable that will be used to pass the sound file must be called SOUNDFILE, and a UserEvent must give off the name soundcheck in order for the event to be picked up.  A sample extension:
> [soundtest]
> exten => audio,1,Answer()
> same => n,Set(TALK_DETECTED=0)
> same => n,BackgroundDetect(${SOUNDFILE},1,20,,20000)
> same => n,GoToIf($[${TALK_DETECTED}=0]?pass:fail)
> same => n(fail),UserEvent(soundcheck, status: pass)
> same => n,Hangup()
> same => n(pass),UserEvent(soundcheck, status: fail)
> same => n,Hangup()
> A sound-file test only gets called when a specified trigger has gone off.  So far, this pluggable module only supports events as triggers.  The list of triggers matches to each instance of a sound-file test on a one-to-one basis (the first trigger starts the first test, and so on).
> Only passes after all tests specified by the user have been passed and the correct triggers have been received.
> Diffs
> -----
>   /asterisk/trunk/sample-yaml/sound-check-config.yaml.sample PRE-CREATION 
>   /asterisk/trunk/lib/python/asterisk/pluggable_modules.py 5249 
> Diff: https://reviewboard.asterisk.org/r/3733/diff/
> Testing
> -------
> - Tried using the pluggable module by putting in incorrect input and purposefully leaving out input.  Picks those errors up.
> - Not sure if I was supposed to allow the user to name their own dialplan variable and Userevent name, so I left it as was.
> - Tested the different scenarios of setting the filepath- relative and defined.
> - Made sure the various tests could fail if a certain sound file didn't meet the size criteria or silence threshold criteria.
> - Made sure that more than one test could be run and that things could be run sequentially.
> Thanks,
> Christopher Wolfe

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