[asterisk-dev] [svn-commits] mmichelson: branch 12 r399083 - in /branches/12: include/asterisk/ res/

Olle E. Johansson oej at edvina.net
Fri Sep 13 09:56:34 CDT 2013

13 sep 2013 kl. 16:49 skrev SVN commits to the Digium repositories <svn-commits at lists.digium.com>:

> +	contact.slen = pj_ansi_snprintf(contact.ptr, PJSIP_MAX_URL_SIZE,
> +			"<%s:%s%.*s%s:%d%s%s>",
> +			(pjsip_transport_get_flag_from_type(type) & PJSIP_TRANSPORT_SECURE) ? "sips" : "sip",
> +			(type & PJSIP_TRANSPORT_IPV6) ? "[" : "",
> +			(int)rdata->tp_info.transport->local_name.host.slen,
> +			rdata->tp_info.transport->local_name.host.ptr,
> +			(type & PJSIP_TRANSPORT_IPV6) ? "]" : "",
> +			rdata->tp_info.transport->local_name.port,
> +			(type != PJSIP_TRANSPORT_UDP && type != PJSIP_TRANSPORT_UDP6) ? ";transport=" : "",
> +			(type != PJSIP_TRANSPORT_UDP && type != PJSIP_TRANSPORT_UDP6) ? pjsip_transport_get_type_name(type) : "");
> +

Sorry for not being awake during the review. Obvious questions:

- When do you add ;transport ?
- When do you use sips: ?

I can't figure that out from browsing the code and there was a lack of documentation of this in the code ;-)

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