[asterisk-dev] [Code Review] 2928: Fix orphaned bridge if neither of the joining channels can join.

rmudgett reviewboard at asterisk.org
Thu Oct 17 18:22:08 CDT 2013

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Review request for Asterisk Developers.

Bugs: ASTERISK-22629

Repository: Asterisk


The original issue noted that the bridge is orphaned when res_parking.so is not loaded and a call uses the dial kK flags.

A similar issue happens when only one of the park flags is used.  In this case you have the bridge with one or the other channel left in it.  The channel and bridge will stay around until the channel hangs up.

* Fixed the initial bridge channel push failure to act as if the channel were kicked out of the bridge.  The bridge then decides if it needs to be dissolved.


  /branches/12/include/asterisk/bridge_channel_internal.h 401177 
  /branches/12/main/bridge.c 401177 
  /branches/12/main/bridge_channel.c 401177 

Diff: https://reviewboard.asterisk.org/r/2928/diff/


Tested with res_parking.so unloaded with Caller dialing Callee
and dial kK flags:
  The bridge is no longer left lying around and saw the three case of the channels attempting to join and being bounced out.
  1) Caller attempts to join first
  2) Callee attempts to join first
  3) Caller and Callee join at the same time
and dial K flag:
  The bridge and channels are no longer left in the following cases
  1) Caller attempts to join first
  2) Callee joins first while Caller fails to join
and dial k flag:
  The bridge and channels are no longer left in the following cases
  1) Caller joins first while Callee fails to join
  2) Callee attempts to join first



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