[asterisk-dev] Starting development

Jonathan Rose jrose at digium.com
Wed Aug 29 08:57:57 CDT 2012

Giuseppe Longo <giuseppelng at gmail.com> wrote:

> If i edit a single .c source, before it's necessary rebuild every
> asterisk's module, right?
> Example:
> ./configure, make, etc...
> Edit .c source, after, make main/asterisk.
> Is it right?
> Thanks

Here's a quick rundown.

When you first check out Asterisk, you will need to start
by configuring with ./configure  If you are planning to do
development that you want use to use, you'll actually be
wanting to use ./configure --enable-dev-mode

Once your folder has been configured, you won't be needing
to do that step again. The first compile (run 'make') after
you configure will take a while because you'll have to
recompile everything. Don't use configure more than you
need to.

Most changes you can make will be relatively quick and
you'll only need to spend a couple seconds recompiling.
There are a few exceptions. If you edit any header file
that is included by lots of stuff (say the logger API),
you'll need to compile everything that it uses. Then there
is chan_sip, which is just really large. Aside from that
though it should be relatively painless.

Thanks for your support.

Jonathan R. Rose
Digium, Inc. | Software Engineer
445 Jan Davis Drive NW - Huntsville, AL 35806 - US
direct +1 256 428 6139 

Check us out at: http://digium.com & http://asterisk.org

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