[asterisk-dev] Diverting Leg Information 2. Original called number.

Andrew O. Zhukov gnugk at telegroup.com.ua
Tue May 31 14:39:11 CDT 2011

Richard Mudgett пишет:
>> I need libpri developers suggestion.
>> Upperlaid Switch do not accept Facility with DivertingLegInformation2
>> from Asterisk.
>> The reason is: The Called number present as the Numbuer (Ox80) not as
>> the Numeric String (0x12) by ETSI recomendations.
>> > Context Specific [0 0x00] <80> Len:9 <09>
>> > <36 37 34 30 31 37 32 35-36> - "674017256"
>> > ASN.1 end
> Please supply the complete decode of the facility ie.

ASN.1 dump
  Context Specific/C [1 0x01] <A1> Len:29 <1D>
    Integer(2 0x02) <02> Len:1 <01>
      <0E> - "~"
    Integer(2 0x02) <02> Len:1 <01>
      <0F> - "~"
    Sequence/C(48 0x30) <30> Len:21 <15>
      Integer(2 0x02) <02> Len:1 <01>
        <01> - "~"
      Enumerated(10 0x0A) <0A> Len:1 <01>
        <01> - "~"
      Context Specific/C [1 0x01] <A1> Len:13 <0D>
        Context Specific/C [0 0x00] <A0> Len:11 <0B>
          Context Specific [0 0x00] <80> Len:9 <09>
            <36 37 34 30 31 37 32 35-36> - "674017256"
ASN.1 end
INVOKE Component Context Specific/C [1 0x01]
  invokeId Integer(2 0x02) = 14 0x000E
  operationValue Integer(2 0x02) = 15 0x000F
  operationValue = ROSE_ETSI_DivertingLegInformation2
  DivertingLegInformation2 Sequence/C(48 0x30)
  diversionCounter Integer(2 0x02) = 1 0x0001
  diversionReason Enumerated(10 0x0A) = 1 0x0001
  Explicit Context Specific/C [1 0x01]
  divertingNr PresentedNumberUnscreened
  Explicit Context Specific/C [0 0x00]
  presentationAllowedNumber PartyNumber
  unknownPartyNumber Context Specific [0 0x00] = "674017256"

>> ....
>> >  > Facility (len=34, codeset=0) [ 0x91, 0xA1, 0x1D, 0x02, 0x01,
>> >  > 0x0E,
>> > 0x02, 0x01, 0x0F, '0',
>> > 0x15, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01, 0x0A, 0x01, 0x01, 0xA1, 0x0D, 0xA0, 0x0B,
>> > 0x80,
>> > 0x09, '674017256'
>> I'm not an expert in a ETSI recommendations. However, I'm completely
>> sure I have to fix it in libpri myself. Nobody going to do iton the
>> switch.
>> I look at the source rose_enc_etsi_DivertingLegInformation2_ARG
>> I's look like no a simple way to encode the number as the Numeric
>> String
>> from roseEtsiDivertingLegInformation2_ARG structure. My be I miss
>> something?
> Without manually decoding, it looks like the Upperlaid Switch
> is not surrounding the original called number with enough encapsulation.

Today I have a talk with the former switch developer. He explain me the reason of:

ERROR Component Context Specific/C [3 0x03]
  invokeId Integer(2 0x02) = 14 0x000E
  errorValue Integer(2 0x02) = 4 0x0004
  errorValue = General: Not Implemented
[May 29 20:17:28] ERROR[24267]: chan_dahdi.c:9346 dahdi_pri_error: ROSE RETURN ERROR:
[May 29 20:17:28] ERROR[24267]: chan_dahdi.c:9346 dahdi_pri_error:      INVOKE ID: 14
[May 29 20:17:28] ERROR[24267]: chan_dahdi.c:9346 dahdi_pri_error:      ERROR:
General: Not

Before I contact the Asterisk developers

> You should be able to use lower level routines to encode what you need.

Worst, it's not a low level routune which encode number to a Numeric String.
It was the reason why I contact the developers.
I just have to wite this routune myself. It's little bit a difficult to do on production

Anyway thanks.


> Richard
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