[asterisk-dev] Disable dahdi scan ,write permission check in gui

Alok Prasad alok.prasad7 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 23 05:33:59 CDT 2011

I have freshly downloaded asterisk gui 2.0 branch 5163
but i am facing the famous infinite loop issue
either stuck in checking write permission or dahdi detection.

1.Is there a way to completely remove dahdi detection and its support in
asterisk gui
as i am using gui for purely sip installation.

2.Also i can do chmod 777 /var/lib/asterisk/static-http then i guess there
is no need of write permission check where i can comment out that code,

any thing i do in index.js messess up the gui.

Also what the difference between isAST_1_6 & isAST_1_6_1 in index.html
,should i be using isAST_1_6_1 if i am using asterisk 1.6.2.x

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