[asterisk-dev] Compiling problem

Hoggins! fuckspam at wheres5.com
Sun Jan 2 21:31:39 UTC 2011

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to compile asterisk but no luck, it stops at the
final process. I've always been able to compile older versions, and I
use them with no problems.
Bu this is quite annoying me, as I can't find anywhere what could cause
ld to stop. Here is the output of make :

   [LD] abstract_jb.o acl.o alaw.o aoc.o app.o ast_expr2.o ast_expr2f.o
asterisk.o astfd.o astmm.o astobj2.o audiohook.o autochan.o
autoservice.o bridging.o callerid.o ccss.o cdr.o cel.o channel.o
chanvars.o cli.o config.o data.o datastore.o db.o devicestate.o dial.o
dns.o dnsmgr.o dsp.o enum.o event.o features.o file.o fixedjitterbuf.o
frame.o framehook.o fskmodem.o global_datastores.o hashtab.o heap.o
http.o image.o indications.o io.o jitterbuf.o loader.o lock.o logger.o
manager.o md5.o netsock.o netsock2.o pbx.o plc.o poll.o privacy.o
rtp_engine.o say.o sched.o security_events.o sha1.o slinfactory.o srv.o
ssl.o stdtime/localtime.o strcompat.o strings.o stun.o syslog.o
taskprocessor.o tcptls.o tdd.o term.o test.o threadstorage.o timing.o
translate.o udptl.o ulaw.o utils.o version.o xml.o xmldoc.o
editline/libedit.a db1-ast/libdb1.a ../addons/modules.link
../apps/modules.link ../bridges/modules.link ../cdr/modules.link
../channels/modules.link ../codecs/modules.link ../formats/modules.link
../funcs/modules.link ../pbx/modules.link ../res/modules.link -> asterisk
/usr/bin/ld: asterisk: local symbol `mm_status' in
../apps/app_voicemail.eo is referenced by DSO
/usr/bin/ld: final link failed: Nonrepresentable section on output
collect2: ld a retourné 1 code d'état d'exécution
make[1]: *** [asterisk] Erreur 1
make: *** [main] Erreur 2

Yeah, sorry, some ouptut is in french, but I don't think this is the
most important, is it ?
What bothers me is : /usr/bin/ld: asterisk: local symbol `mm_status' in
../apps/app_voicemail.eo is referenced by DSO

How can I overcome this ? Any hints ?

    Thanks in advance,


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