[asterisk-dev] Module to Asterisk function Compiler Issue question

Mike Myhre digium at aeisecure.com
Mon Aug 1 09:52:33 CDT 2011

    By default, functions are not exported from Asterisk modules other
    than res_* modules. There are two factors controlling this: the
    flags in the AST_MODULE_INFO macro call at the end of the module
    source file, and the '.exports' file for the module in question. In
    order to export symbols from a module, you'll need to modify these
    areas to be similar to the way that res_* modules are configured.

I don't see any .exports file anywhere in the source files, so I am 
guessing it doesn't apply. The AST_MODULE_INFO macro appears to handle 
only constructor, destructor and a reload. There are hundreds of 
functions similar to the one I am trying to export, yet mine never makes 
it to the asterisk binary.

I can do objdumps on the chan_sip.so file and my functions are there. If 
I do an objdump on the asterisk binary, I see all the other 'exported' 
asterisk functions but not mine from the chan_sip.so file. I can't see 
anything in the Makefile that would strip this out of force the others 
to be exported. All the standard asterisk functions are in the .text 
section as are my functions, so my earlier concern on class/section 
wasn't valid.

So... Why aren't my functions making it from the .so file to the 
asterisk binary? I would think that if they made it to the .so they 
would make it to the final binary.

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