[asterisk-dev] How to improve astdb? Any ideas?
Ron Arts
ron.arts at netland.nl
Mon Sep 6 08:37:53 CDT 2010
Op 06-09-10 15:10, Mark Murawski schreef:
> Here is one fix for the fsync problem.
> Spawn an astdb put worker thread. (Same goes for using any database
> backend) Writers will dump their changes to a linked list and return
> immediately. The writer will write whenever it gets a chance. if there
> are big or small slowdowns in fsync it wont affect any running threads.
> And if you lose power, well... you would have lost the unwritten data
> anyway because you would have been waiting on it anyway.
Please note: if any process or thread on a system is doing fsync()
in a loop, the entire system will slow to a crawl.
> I think one goal should be to make asterisk as disk io agnostic as
> possible. I've already ran into major problems using the Monitor() app
> due to disk io. The disk writing is done in the same thread as audio
> bridging, so if you have high disk io contention (which I had), audio
> bridging suffers while you're recording a call. MixMonitor() spawns a
> new thread and avoids this problem. (Ideally Monitor() should also be
> rewritten to spawn a new thread, but that's another issue entirely).
> On 09/06/10 04:38, Stefan Schmidt wrote:
>> Am 06.09.2010 05:17, schrieb Mark Murawski:
>>> I remember talking to some main people in #asterisk-dev about a
>>> possible plan to ditch astdb and go with sqlite under the hood. sqlite
>>> is really easy to incorporate into an app and is in public domain. It
>>> can also be used completely in-memory, which will avoid the disk
>>> bottlenecks you're hitting.
>> sqlite use fsync itself so there would be the same problem atleast. only
>> if you use it in-memory only but i think the berkley db (AFAIK astdb is
>> a berkley) is faster than sqlite.
>> if you run sqlite as a standalone process you wouldnt loose data if
>> asterisk crash but if your system goes down (power loss) you will still
>> loose the data.
>> the other problem i see with this its just moving the problem down one
>> level, even its possible to run sqlite on all system where asterisk is
>> available (i dont know) you have to make sure the user which runs
>> asterisk could also runs sqlite.
>> if you just buildin sqlite into asterisk there is still the data loss
>> problem if asterisk crashes.
>> the bottleneck is only there if you wait for the write buffers to be
>> written to the disk (thats what fsync does)
>> i think if you want to use sqlite there should also be the possibility
>> to use another DB. Think of sharing astdb through different servers
>> would be a cool solution for fallback ;)
>> overall this would need a change to astdb to split it up into a frontend
>> (astdb_put, del and deltree) which are the functions which are called
>> from other asterisk parts and a backend which transmit these data into
>> the DB structure.
>> best regards
>> steve
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