[asterisk-dev] device_state distribution issues

Klaus Darilion klaus.mailinglists at pernau.at
Mon Nov 8 16:02:29 CST 2010

Russell Bryant wrote:
> On Mon, 2010-11-08 at 10:56 -0600, Kevin P. Fleming wrote:
>> On 11/08/2010 06:12 AM, Klaus Darilion wrote:
>>> Does Asterisk keep proper state of remote devices (e.g. with a call 
>>> timeout)? If yes, then it is a bug. If no - then it would explain this 
>>> behavior but IMO would be a serious limitation.
>> I suspect you may be trying to do something that is not yet supported:
>> to my knowledge, the device state distribution that exists today is to
>> allow a device that is managed by *one* server to be visible to other
>> servers, so they can make decisions based on its state. It does not
>> support *multi-master* mode, where multiple servers are involved in
>> computing the state of a single device. For that to be possible, there
>> would have to be some 'owner' of the device to consolidate the
>> information from the servers involved.
> In the case of res_ais, it works by having every server report state
> changes that occur on that server.  The result is that each server has
> an internal table of the state of each device from the perspective on
> each server involved.  When the state changes on _any_ server, it then
> looks at the last known state of that device on all servers and
> determines an overall state.  So, based on that, this is supposed to
> work.

Ok. I will try to find some time to test with AIS.

> The way this works is that each event is tagged with a server ID
> (referred to as an entity ID, or EID).  From a quick look at the XMPP
> implementation, it appears that the server ID is not being propagated.
> So, the failure you are seeing is not ideal (a bug actually, please
> report it), but it is the expected behavior right now.

Here is the trace of an event sent from Asterisk to the XMPP server:

<iq to='pubsub.armani.labs.nic.at' 
from='armani_asterisk at armani.labs.nic.at/asterisk' type='set' id='aaald'>
  <pubsub xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'>
   <publish node='device_state'>
    <item id='SIP/klaus0'>
     <state xmlns='http://asterisk.org' 

As you see there is an eid transmitted. If I can read the trace 
correctly it seems that the published event is sent from the XMPP server 
to all subscribed Asterisk server - even the one which published the event.

Takeing a look at the code shows that the eid is used in res_jabber, at 
least to filter out the own events:

aji_handle_pubsub_event(...) {
   ast_str_to_eid(&pubsub_eid, iks_find_attrib(item_content, "eid"));
   if (!ast_eid_cmp(&ast_eid_default, &pubsub_eid)) {
     ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Returning here, eid of incoming event matches 
     return IKS_FILTER_EAT;

> The XMPP distributed device state code needs to be updated such that the
> EID information element is included in state changes that it sends out
> such that its behavior matches that of the AIS implementation.

As shown above it is already sent out and used for filtering, probably 
it misses keeping of the remote state.


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