[asterisk-dev] Too many open files

Andreas Sikkema h323 at ramdyne.nl
Wed Jul 21 15:14:31 CDT 2010

On Jul 21, 2010, at 9:44 PM, Simon Perreault wrote:

> Just do e.g. "ulimit -n 100000".
> Relying on many file descriptors is good design. It moves processing
> from user-space to kernel-space, where it is done both more efficiently
> and with less errors.

But using very high ulimit values to hide bugs is just bad by any measure. Leaking file descriptors will one day bite you hard, whether the limit is high or low and it will always be at a very inconvenient time. For some time I even had munin monitor an app for the number of file descriptors it had so I could restart it during a maintenance window. After doing that for a couple of weeks you really, really want the bug to be fixed.


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