[asterisk-dev] AMI version number in Asterisk 1.8?

Olle E. Johansson oej at edvina.net
Fri Jul 16 15:34:57 CDT 2010

16 jul 2010 kl. 22.20 skrev Russell Bryant:

> Greetings,
> Issue 17651 requests an increase of the AMI protocol version number for
> Asterisk 1.8.  After reviewing it, my current feeling is that we should
> leave it at 1.1.
> The bump to 1.1 was after a significant number of changes to existing
> manager actions and events in Asterisk 1.6.0.  I don't know of anything
> that has changed to that degree since then.  The mantis issue notes an
> IAX2 peers change (that came from
> https://issues.asterisk.org/view.php?id=17100), but the change there is
> very minor.
> Also, in Asterisk 1.6.2 and 1.8, there is a CoreSettings AMI command
> that will let you get the Asterisk version number if needed.
> Do you agree that we should leave it alone?  If you think it should be
> changed, why?
I don't see that we've decided about any syntax changes that makes
1.8 not being compatible with 1.1. When switching from 1.0 to 1.1 I did 
a number of changes to syntax, cleaning up bad stuff. I also added the ability
to both check asterisk version and manager version so that apps can adapt
if we need to change again. We have to be careful when doing that, 
so that we don't change just because we have a new Asterisk version.


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