[asterisk-dev] How to debug astobj2 objects?

Holger Wirtz wirtz at dfn.de
Mon Jun 8 04:13:29 CDT 2009

Hi all,

can anybody tell me how I can debug an astobj2 object? What I need is to
discover why the object is not removed. It seems that there are
references to the object which I cannot find.

I think it could help me when I can print the reference count, but how
can I do this?

TIA, Holger
#####  #### ##  ##   Holger Wirtz         Phone : (+49 30) 884299-40
##  ## ##   ### ##   DFN-Verein           Fax   : (+49 30) 884299-70
##  ## #### ######   Alexanderplatz 1     E-Mail: wirtz at dfn.de
##  ## ##   ## ###   10178 Berlin
#####  ##   ##  ##   GERMANY              WWW   : http://www.dfn.de
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