[asterisk-dev] Asterisk Core Dump

postalforall postalforall at gmail.com
Thu Dec 17 23:22:53 CST 2009


I am using Asterisk and having its configuration stored in 
MySQL. With no configuration reload, it is running well with no problem.

However, when there is a change to configuration as stored in MySQL and 
I issue a command "sudo asterisk -rx reload", Asterisk crashes. On rare 
occasion, this goes through fine.

I have captured the core dumps in the attached file. There are 6 "where" 
traces that I captured. All showed different locations where the crash 
occurred. I am sure it must have something to do with the database 
configuration that trigger this but from the trace I just cannot figure 
it out.

Can someone help out on this?

With regards,

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