[asterisk-dev] Platform decision ...

Mauro Sergio Ferreira Brasil mauro.brasil at tqi.com.br
Tue Aug 18 11:33:28 CDT 2009


Can you please point me out the better one.
Would it be "asterisk-announce" ?

Thanks and best regards,

Kevin P. Fleming escreveu:
> This is not an appropriate topic for this mailing list.

*Technology and Quality on Information*
Mauro Sérgio Ferreira Brasil
Coordenador de Projetos e Analista de Sistemas
+ mauro.brasil at tqi.com.br <mailto:@tqi.com.br>
: www.tqi.com.br <http://www.tqi.com.br>
( + 55 (34)3291-1700
( + 55 (34)9971-2572

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