[asterisk-dev] Why does the outbound SIP channel use jointcapability instead of capability?

Alex Hermann alex at speakup.nl
Tue Aug 18 11:18:22 CDT 2009

On Tuesday 18 August 2009, Alex Hermann wrote:
> I'm trying to understand the codec selection for chan_sip in Asterisk
> and found a part which I don't understand. This is for Asterisk

Never mind. I found it. I forgot to load a bunch of codec_*.so modules, so 
there were no transcoding paths and Asterisk correctly filtered them and made 
them not appear in jointcapability.

Loading the modules gives the expected behaviour.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Alex Hermann
SpeakUp BV
T: 088-SPEAKUP (088-7732587)
F: 088-7732588

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