[asterisk-dev] zap-bri spantype and signalling [was: Re: [svn-commits] sruffell: linux/trunk r5196 - /linux/trunk/drivers/dahdi/wcb4xxp/base.c]

Kevin P. Fleming kpfleming at digium.com
Sat Nov 1 10:14:29 CDT 2008

Tzafrir Cohen wrote:

> I don't understand the point of using "NT" and "TE" there. Let's look at
> what other modules have there:

Actually, using NT or TE makes sense in light of what other modules
already do; the wct4xxp driver supports cards with spans that can be
configured into one of three modes and the 'spantype' reflects the mode
the span has been configured into. In the case of T1/E1/J1, the NT/TE
distinction is not usually important (it only matters at higher protocol
layers), but for BRI it is actually quite important to know which mode
the hardware is in, so the protocol stack can configure itself

As far as DAHDI_CONFIG_CCS, is that really relevant for BRI at all? BRI
is *always* CCS, there is no possible method of using it in CAS mode
that I am aware of.

Kevin P. Fleming
Director of Software Technologies
Digium, Inc. - "The Genuine Asterisk Experience" (TM)

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