[asterisk-dev] some modest suggestions for 1.6

sean darcy seandarcy2 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 19 21:10:52 CST 2008

As a weak to moderate asterisk user, I decided to try 1.6-beta3 on a new 
machine I'm trying to use at home. I haven't set up a new box since 1.4 
about 14 months ago.

The new box was fedora 8, a new install. Lots of trouble with beta3. Odd 
error messages. What I finally realized was the some devel packages 
weren't installed - e.g. speex-devel, gsm-devel.

It'd be helpful, at least to me, if configure spit out what it found and 
what it needed. Or at least listed the codecs it would generate, and 
which it wouldn't.

On my old box, this wouldn't have a problem, but I'd plumb forgotten 
what I'd done 14 months ago. It'd be helpful to those of us who don't * 
all the time, but appreciate those who do.


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