[asterisk-dev] "56k" in dahdi/system.conf [was Re: [svn-commits] mattf: tools/trunk r4818 - /tools/trunk/dahdi_cfg.c]

Kevin P. Fleming kpfleming at digium.com
Sun Aug 24 05:28:10 CDT 2008

Tzafrir Cohen wrote:

> Why run this is a separate loop? Re-open /dev/dahdi/channel regardless
> of whether this directive was ever used.

More importantly, it issues the DAHDI_HDLC_RATE ioctl for every single
possible channel, even those that are not in HDLC mode.

> The loop above for applying configuration to channels is indeed not a
> pretty sight. 3 nesting levels can be easily removed from it (OK to
> commit that now?)

Sure, feel free to clean it up.

Kevin P. Fleming
Director of Software Technologies
Digium, Inc. - "The Genuine Asterisk Experience" (TM)

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