[asterisk-dev] zaptel, menuselect and autoconf
Tzafrir Cohen
tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com
Tue Jul 31 02:19:14 CDT 2007
I've commited what I believe to be a simple and working configuration
framework into that branch ( zaptel/team/tzafrir/kernelmove_conf ) .
The relevant The changes are basically in the area of autoconf, and in
the way the Makefile reads the configuration variables. Naturally, with
menuselect gone, a whole lot of cruft could be moved from the makefile).
A few more notes.
On Thu, Jul 05, 2007 at 12:06:49PM +0300, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> Warning: long post follow.
> I have been looking at separating the kernelspace of zaptel from
> userspace:
> http://bugs.digium.com/view.php?id=7117
> http://svn.digium.com/view/zaptel/team/tzafrir/kernelmove_14/
> As you can see from the commits in that branch (rev. 2651),
> I ended up removing menuselect completely and using autoconf. Kevin and
> Russel did not like this idea. I'd like to point out here what problems
> I have encountered and suggest some solutions to the problems of
> menuselect.
> As I worked on cleaning up the build system of Zaptel I noticed that
> there are two major sources of mess:
> 1. Mixing userspace, kernel 2.4 and kernel 2.6 makefiles in the same
> file. Sorting that out has been the main focus of the branch.
> 2. menuselect:
> 2.1. Configuration still needs much parsing after inclusion (the
> common $(filter ) and even more common $(filter-out ) ).
> 2.2. A number of include files.
> 2.3. Configueration changes at make runtime
> This is why a fairly recent version of gnu make is needed, and also why
> 'make clean install' will try to build and install everything,
> regardless of the modules you have disabled in the menu.
> As there was great objection to simply removing menuselect, I tried
> figuring out what is it exactly that menuselect does.
> So following is my understanding as to the role of menuselect.
> Menuselect is mainly intended to allow the user to easily select the
> build-time configuration.
> Is build-time configuration really needed?
> """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
> libpri and asterisk-gui don't use menuselect even today. And really,
> there's nothing to configure there.
> While asterisk-addons uses it, I believe that for the few options
> there the configuration through a configure script should do the trick.
> Zaptel is a borderline case. I like the configure syntax interface for
> in better: it makes the common cases (all, or just a specific module you
> need) easier and simpler than menuselect. But if folks really insisted
> on menuselect there, then whatever.
After looking at things closer, I'm even more confident that for Zaptel
and surely for asterisk-addons the menuselect user interface is causes
more hard than good. A simple autoconf command-line interface would have
worked much better.
> Asterisk is really the application menuselect was designed for. However,
> is there really a point for the common user to disable building modules?
> Again: "make the common task simple, make everything possible". One
> problem with menuselect of today is that it makes it all too easy to
> accidentally building a module.
So again: what usage scenarios are there where there is a benefit from
using menuselect with asterisk?
(This is not a rhethorical question. Please provide examples)
> Hence my standard instructions for building asterisk are "./configure;
> make", to avoid letting the builder shooting himself in the foot.
> Why is menuselect run from the Makefile?
> """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
> So the answer is:
> Because we store the configuration as XML and need to build the XML
> parser in order to read it.
> So I would suggest selecting one of the following two alternatives:
> 1. Depend on some XML library to be available on the build system and
> use an existing parser program / module in the configure script, or:
> 2. Use simpler format for the data.
> (1) seems to me unrealistic. Hence I have opted for (2).
> Simpler Configuration Data Format
> """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
> I have an initial implementation of this in the branch
> zaptel/team/tzafrir/kernelmove_conf .
> The data format I chose was to place each category in its own file under
> the configuration directory (build_conf/ ). Here is the file
> build_conf/kernel. I should point out that this file is completely
> generated by a small perl script from data embedded in source files.
> It is currently extracted on every run of autoconf. It seems that the
> overhead for that is much lower than e.g. the time it takes it to
> generate outputs, or to test for libusb. I suspect that even for
> Asterisk the overhead won't be that big.
> Depends: zaptel
> DisplayName: Dynamic Span Support
> Item: ztdynamic
> PullOnly: yes
> Depends: zaptel
> DisplayName: Transcoder Support
> Item: zttranscode
> PullOnly: yes
> Depends: zaptel
> DisplayName: Digium Wildcard TE4XXP / TE2XXP
> Item: wct4xxp/
> Depends: zaptel, zttranscode
> DisplayName: Digium Wildcard TC400B
> Item: wctc4xxp/
Hence recommended comments format:
#: blabla
#: whatever
#RemedOutAttribute: Its Value
> Currently all entries except Item are copied verbatim from the
> specially-formatted comment in the code (I kept the same comment style),
> e.g: in kernel/wcfxo.c:
> Depends: zaptel
> DisplayName: Digium Wildcard X100P
> ***/
> I have not yet tried to isolate it from the other changes in the
> kernelmove branch (moving modules into kernel/ ) but the changes are
> basically the added:
> build_tools/config_info
> build_tools/update_config (still too hard_wired)
Those two files are the bulk of the work.
> And the following changes:
> configure.ac - kernel modules and utilities configuration
> All kernel modules have embedded configuration.
acinclude.m4 -
Extended libraries macro to dump result indo build_info/libs
> Configure prints a nice summary in the end, so I know what It'll do.
> By default it will just build "all modules" as in today.
> That is:
> ./configure
> will eventually print:
> configure: Will build the following:
> configure: Utilities: fxotune fxstest kernel/xpp/utils/ sethdlc-new ztcfg ztdiag ztmonitor zttest zttool .
> configure: Kernel Modules and subdirectories: pciradio tor2 torisa wcfxo wct1xxp wct4xxp/ wctc4xxp/ wctdm wctdm24xxp wcte11xp wcte12xp wcusb xpp/ zaptel ztd-eth ztd-loc ztdummy ztdynamic zttranscode .
> configure: Kernel 2.6.18-4-686 from /lib/modules/2.6.18-4-686/build .
> configure: *** Zaptel build successfully configured ***
> If I use:
> ./configure --with-modules=wctdm
> I will eventually get:
> configure: Will build the following:
> configure: Utilities: fxotune fxstest kernel/xpp/utils/ sethdlc-new ztcfg ztdiag ztmonitor zttest zttool .
> configure: Kernel Modules and subdirectories: wctdm zaptel .
> configure: Kernel 2.6.18-4-686 from /lib/modules/2.6.18-4-686/build .
> configure: *** Zaptel build successfully configured ***
> Take a look at configure.ac . Compare the ugly manual code that handles
> utilities to the simple code that handles kernel modules. All the work
> is moved to a simple perl script (config_info).
> The makefile becomes much simpler.
> This model is still a bit too simplistic to handle dependencies between
> categories, as present in Asterisk. That would require a slightly more
> complex handling of the lists. Maybe separate the dependency checks from
> the rest of the cleanup. Certainly pass items from several categories.
> Still, not too complex.
After some work: dependency checking has been extended, and is now good
enough for asterisk.
What do you think?
Tzafrir Cohen
icq#16849755 jabber:tzafrir at jabber.org
+972-50-7952406 mailto:tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com
http://www.xorcom.com iax:guest at local.xorcom.com/tzafrir
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