[asterisk-dev] AGI and DeadAGI

Matt Riddell matt at venturevoip.com
Tue Jul 24 14:10:06 CDT 2007

Hash: SHA1

Matthew Nicholson wrote:
> Well, once the SIGHUP is sent, you no longer will be able to get channel 
> variables from asterisk.  If you did something like 'EXEC Dial Zap/1' 
> you may be able to get the DIALSTATUS from asterisk before the SIGHUP if 
> the originating channel is still up.
> The most straight forward way to do that is just to execute a DeadAGI 
> from the 'h' exten.

So to sum up (for 1.4 at least - does this apply to 1.2 also?):

1. Run your AGI which looks up routing details and gets credit level
2. Exec Dial of technology
3. Finish processing of AGI and hand back to Asterisk (setting variables
such as the 'provider you used to make the call with' as channel
variables - will this work - i.e. will you still be able to access
channel variables in the h extension?)
4. In the 'h' extension run a DeadAGI which reads in the variables
created in (3), checks dialstatus and deducts credit/creates custom CDR.

The change that went into SVN just seemed to document a possible failure
instead of actually preventing anything happening.  I'm guessing this
means it has worked as above for some time and that the process I was
(am) using to lookup credit, dial, update credit etc is only working
because my DeadAGI script is lucky with regards to getting the DialStatus?

- --

Matt Riddell

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