[asterisk-dev] Dial() Staggering

Nicholas Blasgen nicholas at blasgen.com
Tue Jul 10 14:07:09 CDT 2007

> This can be accomplished in the dialplan by calling the first number
> for x seconds (using Dial's timeout option) and when it doesn't
> answer, use a ring group to call several people at once.  I admit it's
> not *EXACTLY* what you're looking for, but it is close enough to be
> usable.

Yeh, the problem is that everyone has a priority to be called at.  And it's
not just a few numbers line in my example.  While I expect the line to be
answered by the first 4 numbers dialed, it doesn't always happen that way.
And each person has a priority on answering the line, so I don't want to
bother someone like the CEO unless everyone else has been tried first.  But
at the same time I don't want to wait for each person to be tried untill
WaitTime elapses.  That will cause too much of a delay.

Maybe I can park the user in a calling pool, then use the Asterisk Manager
API to initiate calls to the agents at the set intervals.  Once a call is
connected, the Manger would be aware of that (I assume--I haven't actually
seen what data is passed to the Manager API) and could shut down all the
other out-going trunk calls.  Use some database to manage which trunks are
activly dialing.  I'm going to read up on the Manager interface.
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