[asterisk-dev] Re: Progress of Asteriskv6

Bobber Cheng bobber at miloffice.com
Thu Jan 25 07:36:05 MST 2007

Dear Marc and asterisk develpers,
On Thu, 18 Jan 2007 04:51:46 +0800, Marc Blanchet  
<marc.blanchet at viagenie.ca> wrote:

> Le 07-01-16 à 20:22, Bobber Cheng a écrit :
>> Dear Asteriskv6,
>> I'm an asterisk user and fan, also a ipv6 user.
>> I wanna know progress of Asteriskv6,
> we have demonstrated interoperability with some ip phones.
Could you please list some of your tested ipv6 phones?
>> could you please tell me your
>> business plan of Asteriskv6?
> what are you looking for?
We plan to develop an open source ipv6 voip platform, which includes  
asterisk with ipv6 support and voip client with ipv6 support. Could you  
please tell me how to give latest asterisk ipv6 patch? we'd like to test  
it in our bigest ipv6 net and improve it.

Best regards,
Bobber Cheng
> Marc.
>> Thanks,
>> Bobber Cheng
> -----
> IPv6 book: Migrating to IPv6, Wiley, 2006, http://www.ipv6book.ca

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