[asterisk-dev] IAX2 changes - thank you!

Tony Mountifield tony at softins.clara.co.uk
Thu Aug 9 06:37:03 CDT 2007

In article <46B78FF1.7020704 at securax.org>,
zoachien at securax.org <zoachien at securax.org> wrote:
> I would like to thank digium (russel in particular and all the 
> contributors helping him) for the renewed interest in the iax2 channel 
> driver.
> I'm sure the recent fixes will help considerably in making iax2 the 
> preferential protocol for many people.

Are the mentioned recent fixes in 1.4 or just in trunk?

I remember not too long ago there was discussion about IAX under 1.4 not
being robust and sometimes locking up. Has this been resolved now?

Tony Mountifield
Work: tony at softins.co.uk - http://www.softins.co.uk
Play: tony at mountifield.org - http://tony.mountifield.org

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