[asterisk-dev] problem with 3-way conferenicing

Manu Mehta manu.mehta at aricent.com
Mon Apr 23 22:42:18 MST 2007


I am trying to achieve 3-way conferencing taking hint from wiki link 

Here is the scenario: 
1. user "ua1" calls user "ca1" 
2. "ua1" then presses the feature code "*0" to redirect "ca1" to 
conference room 300 
3. "ua1" then dials the user "33" 
4. user "ua1" and "33" are connected 
5. Now when "ua1" presses the feature code "**" to redirect user "33" to 
same conference room 300, there is error thrown on Asterisk console that 
"res_features.c:1415 ast_bridge_call: Bridge failed on channels 
SIP/ua1-ac750040 and AsyncGoto/Local/33 at nway-conf-dest-7ecf,1<ZOMBIE>" 

Here is my dial plan: 

exten => ca1,1,Dial(SIP/ca1,,wWtTkKrR) 

exten => _.,1,Answer 
exten => _.,n,Set(CONFNO=${EXTEN}) 
exten => _.,n,Set(MEETME_EXIT_CONTEXT=nway-conf-invite) 
exten => _.,n,Set(DYNAMIC_FEATURES=) 
exten => _.,n,MeetMe(${CONFNO},pdMX) 
exten => _.,n,Hangup 

exten => 0,1,Read(DEST,dial,,i) 
exten => 0,n,Set(DYNAMIC_FEATURES=nway-conf-inv#nway-conf-noinv) 
exten => 0,n,Dial(Local/${DEST}@nway-conf-dest,,g) 
exten => 0,n,Set(DYNAMIC_FEATURES=) 
exten => 0,n,Goto(nway-conf,${CONFNO},1) 
exten => i,1,Goto(nway-conf,${CONFNO},1) 

exten => _.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}) 

exten => s,1,Set(CONFNO=300) 
exten => s,n,ChannelRedirect(${BRIDGEPEER},nway-conf,${CONFNO},1) 
exten => s,n,Read(DEST,dial,,i) 
exten => s,n,Set(DYNAMIC_FEATURES=nway-conf-inv#nway-conf-noinv) 
exten => s,n,Dial(Local/${DEST}@nway-conf-dest,,g) 
exten => s,n,Set(DYNAMIC_FEATURES=) 
exten => s,n,Goto(nway-conf,${CONFNO},1) 

exten => s,1,ChannelRedirect(${BRIDGEPEER},nway-conf,${CONFNO},1) 

The application map defined in features.conf is: 
nway-conf-start => *0,self/caller,Macro,nway-conf-start 
nway-conf-inv => **,self/caller,Macro,nway-conf-ok 
nway-conf-noinv => *9,self/caller,Macro,nway-conf-notok 

The output logs on Asterisk console: 

-- Executing [ca1 at manu:1] Dial("SIP/ua1-ac750040", "SIP/ca1||wWtTkKr") in 
new stack 
-- Called ca1 
-- SIP/ca1-ab110040 is ringing 
-- SIP/ca1-ab110040 answered SIP/ua1-ac750040 
[Apr 19 16:14:12] WARNING[22989]: rtp.c:874 ast_rtcp_read: RTCP Read too 
-- Feature Found: nway-conf-start exten: nway-conf-start 
-- Executing [s at macro-nway-conf-start:1] Set("SIP/ua1-ac750040", 
"CONFNO=300") in new stack 
-- Executing [s at macro-nway-conf-start:2] 
ChannelRedirect("SIP/ua1-ac750040", "SIP/ca1-ab110040|nway-conf|300|1") in 
new stack 
-- Executing [s at macro-nway-conf-start:3] Read("SIP/ua1-ac750040", 
"DEST|dial||i") in new stack 
-- Executing [300 at nway-conf:1] Answer("SIP/ca1-ab110040", "") in new stack 

-- Executing [300 at nway-conf:2] Set("SIP/ca1-ab110040", "CONFNO=300") in 
new stack 
-- Executing [300 at nway-conf:3] Set("SIP/ca1-ab110040", 
"MEETME_EXIT_CONTEXT=nway-conf-invite") in new stack 
-- Executing [300 at nway-conf:4] Set("SIP/ca1-ab110040", 
"DYNAMIC_FEATURES=") in new stack 
-- Executing [300 at nway-conf:5] MeetMe("SIP/ca1-ab110040", "300|pdMX") in 
new stack 
-- Created MeetMe conference 1023 for conference '300' 
-- Playing 'conf-onlyperson' (language 'en') 
[Apr 19 16:14:15] WARNING[22995]: rtp.c:874 ast_rtcp_read: RTCP Read too 
-- Started music on hold, class 'default', on SIP/ca1-ab110040 
-- User entered '33' 
-- Executing [s at macro-nway-conf-start:4] Set("SIP/ua1-ac750040", 
"DYNAMIC_FEATURES=nway-conf-inv#nway-conf-noinv") in new stack 
-- Executing [s at macro-nway-conf-start:5] Dial("SIP/ua1-ac750040", 
"Local/33 at nway-conf-dest||g") in new stack 
-- Called 33 at nway-conf-dest 
-- Executing [33 at nway-conf-dest:1] Dial("Local/33 at nway-conf-dest-7ecf,2", 
"SIP/33") in new stack 
-- Called 33 
[Apr 19 16:14:18] WARNING[22995]: rtp.c:874 ast_rtcp_read: RTCP Read too 
-- SIP/33-a8ff0040 is ringing 
-- Local/33 at nway-conf-dest-7ecf,1 is ringing 
-- SIP/33-a8ff0040 is ringing 
-- SIP/33-a8ff0040 is ringing 
-- SIP/33-a8ff0040 answered Local/33 at nway-conf-dest-7ecf,2 
-- Local/33 at nway-conf-dest-7ecf,1 stopped sounds 
-- Local/33 at nway-conf-dest-7ecf,1 answered SIP/ua1-ac750040 
[Apr 19 16:14:21] WARNING[22995]: rtp.c:874 ast_rtcp_read: RTCP Read too 
[Apr 19 16:14:24] WARNING[22995]: rtp.c:874 ast_rtcp_read: RTCP Read too 
-- Feature Found: nway-conf-inv exten: nway-conf-inv 
-- Executing [s at macro-nway-conf-ok:1] Set("SIP/ua1-ac750040", 
"CONFNO=300") in new stack 
-- Executing [s at macro-nway-conf-ok:2] ChannelRedirect("SIP/ua1-ac750040", 
"Local/33 at nway-conf-dest-7ecf,1|nway-conf|300|1") in new stack 
[Apr 19 16:14:25] WARNING[22989]: res_features.c:1415 ast_bridge_call: 
Bridge failed on channels SIP/ua1-ac750040 and 
AsyncGoto/Local/33 at nway-conf-dest-7ecf,1<ZOMBIE> 
-- Executing [s at macro-nway-conf-start:6] Set("SIP/ua1-ac750040", 
"DYNAMIC_FEATURES=") in new stack 
-- Executing [s at macro-nway-conf-start:7] Goto("SIP/ua1-ac750040", 
"nway-conf|300|1") in new stack 
-- Goto (nway-conf,300,1) 
== Channel 'SIP/ua1-ac750040' jumping out of macro 'nway-conf-start' 
[Apr 19 16:14:25] WARNING[22989]: res_features.c:1415 ast_bridge_call: 
Bridge failed on channels SIP/ua1-ac750040 and 
== Spawn extension (nway-conf, 300, 0) exited non-zero on 
-- Executing [h at nway-conf:1] Answer("SIP/ua1-ac750040", "") in new stack 
-- Executing [h at nway-conf:2] Set("SIP/ua1-ac750040", "CONFNO=h") in new 
-- Executing [h at nway-conf:3] Set("SIP/ua1-ac750040", 
"MEETME_EXIT_CONTEXT=nway-conf-invite") in new stack 
-- Executing [h at nway-conf:4] Set("SIP/ua1-ac750040", "DYNAMIC_FEATURES=") 
in new stack 
-- Executing [h at nway-conf:5] MeetMe("SIP/ua1-ac750040", "h|pdMX") in new 
-- Created MeetMe conference 1022 for conference 'h' 
-- Playing 'conf-onlyperson' (language 'en') 
-- Executing [300 at nway-conf:1] Answer("Local/33 at nway-conf-dest-7ecf,1", 
"") in new stack 
-- Executing [300 at nway-conf:2] Set("Local/33 at nway-conf-dest-7ecf,1", 
"CONFNO=300") in new stack 
-- Executing [300 at nway-conf:3] Set("Local/33 at nway-conf-dest-7ecf,1", 
"MEETME_EXIT_CONTEXT=nway-conf-invite") in new stack 
-- Executing [300 at nway-conf:4] Set("Local/33 at nway-conf-dest-7ecf,1", 
"DYNAMIC_FEATURES=") in new stack 
-- Executing [300 at nway-conf:5] MeetMe("Local/33 at nway-conf-dest-7ecf,1", 
"300|pdMX") in new stack 
-- Stopped music on hold on SIP/ca1-ab110040 
[Apr 19 16:14:27] WARNING[22995]: rtp.c:874 ast_rtcp_read: RTCP Read too 



Manu Mehta
Plot-17, Sector 18, Gurgaon 122015,
Haryana, India
Main     +91.124.4095888 x3274
Fax      +91.124.4095912


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